Chapter 30

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Allie's POV

The boys were going to be back home in a week exactly. I was really excited. I finally finished school and graduated along with Bridgette and McKenzie. As for me and Calum well, we haven't talked in almost a month and half.

I was upset of course, but i had to understand he was just bust with touring. He'd bee home in 7 days and he'd be all mine. Well of course he would hang out with his family. We have been drifting apart lately though.

I get he's bust but it would be nice to have a phone call or text message once in a while. Every time i've tried calling him he's either busy or its a quick hello then goodbye. What makes me upset the most is that he doesn't say 'i love you' anymore. Whenever i say it he's just like 'okay' or changes the subject.

I wonder if he still loves me. Again the same question runs through my head. Did he ever love me? I've told the girls how i've felt but they just tell me to not worry to much of it.

Speaking of the girls. Hanna is finally back and she's doing good, and so are her and Luke. Bridgette still likes Michael. As for McKenzie, she has been seeing a guy to get her mind off Ashton. She figure it was time to move on. I heard that Ashton was actually dating their vocal coach, Lily.

McKenzie was devastated at first, but then she met this guy named Trevor and they hit it off instantly. He is a really sweet guy too, I'm happy she found somebody to care for her.







Tonight was the night of the concert and all of us girls were getting ready at my house since 3 out of the 4 of us were here. I was wearing a loose black tank-top, one of Calum's flannels that he left me keep, and some ripped skinny jeans. To top everything off, i slipped on my black combat boots. I fish-tailed my hair and put on some mascara.

"You girls ready?" I ask grabbing my purse and phone.

"Yeah." Hanna, Bridgette, and McKenzie said in unison. We all left my house and got into my car.

The boys had released an EP so we put it into the CD player and jammed out to it in the car during the drive. I couldn't get rid of the smile on my face as we drove there.

We arrived at the arena, and stood in the cue. The line was really long, as there were several other fans waiting. Some had sleeping bags and pillows. Signifying they camped out here.

When we got to the front of the line, we showed the security guard our tickets and he escorted us to the front row. As we waited for the boys to come on we just talked about random things.

Suddenly the lights went out and the crowd erupted into cheers. We all started screaming for the boys. Lights started going off everywhere, and Ashton came out. The Michael, After came Calum. I noticed he had gotten some blonde highlights in his hair. He looked a lot more mature then he did from when he left. Finally came Luke.

The crowds cheering grew louder as the boys started playing 'Dont Stop' which was one of my favorites. I dance and sang along to the song. They finished and they introduced themselves, even though they were pretty well known here in Sydney.

"Alright were 5 Seconds of Summer. I'm Calum." Calum said introducing himself then the rest of the boys. "That's Luke, over there is Michael, and that's Ashton back there."

I keep my gaze on Calum as they go through their set. Finally they finished their set and went backstage. A security came towards us, and started escorting us backstage. I was so excited, I finally go to see Calum after several months. We got backstage and the security guided us to their dressing room and left us there.

"This is it girls." Bridgette said before opening the door. I stepped in the door and my heart literally shattered into pieces. There Calum, with another girl in his lap, kissing her. I cleared my throat, and pulled away from the girl.

"Fuck you Calum,  I cant believe I ever loved you." I say not caring that the other boys were standing there. Everyone walked out, including Calum's little play toy. Leaving me and him by ourselves in the room.

"Allie let me explain please." He said the guilt evident in his eyes.

"Its to late for that Calum. I saw what I saw. Its obvious you got sick of me so you left me for some slut that probably has some STD. Am i right or am i just being crazy. I trusted you Calum, i loved you. i gave you my heart, and you just stomped on it like it was a piece of trash. So that's it for us.Thanks for giving me everything you ever did. I'm glad you were my first love. Its obvious you've moved on from me. i just hope you don't break that girls heart, like you did mine." I said before walking out. Hot tears continued to fall down my face.

All the guys and the girls were trying to ask me questions, but i just ignored them and walked to my car. I got into my car and drove off, not caring about anything at the moment. I pulled into my driveway, and thank god nobody else was home.

I got into my room and just screamed, i started throwing things around, letting them break just like my heart. I slid down the wall and begin sobbing. I gave him my heart and he broke it. I trusted him with everything.

I heard somebody walking up the stairs and open my door. I see Michael walk and he sits down next to me. As i got a better look at him, his lip was busted and his cheek was bruised. "What happened to you?"

"I beat the shit out of that bastard, nobody does that to my sister." He said hugging me, and i sobbed into his shoulder. He just held me as I cried. "Go to bed. You look exhausted."

I nod and he exits my room. I change into some pajamas, and wipe the mascara that ended up all over my under eyes and cheeks. I slipped under my covers and silently cried myself to sleep.


A/N: Wow. So that's the end of their love life, or is it? I still have some ideas so yes there will be another at least 8 more chapters if not more.

Okay so, i don't know when i will update again.

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