Chapter 9

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Allies POV

I couldn't sleep at all knowing my father is in the same city as me. It was already 2:30 and I had school today. All of a sudden my phone starts to vibrate.

I picked it up and saw an unfamiliar number. I opened up the message and I instantly knew who it was.

From: 076383739

I'm sorry for being a bitch to you. You don't deserve all the things I've down and said to you in this short period of time we've known each other. I'm done fighting. Have a good life without me.

Sent: 2:34am

McKenzie. I had a bad feeling about this. Even though she's been so rude to me, I need to know what's going on. I grabbed some vans and slipped them on. I called Calum cause he's the only one thy a knew where she lived.

He answered after 3 rings. "Hello." He asked groggily.

"Calum, get up right now. Meet me outside ASAP. Okay." I said and hung up.

I ran outside and saw Calum waiting by his car. We got in and started the ignition. "Care to explain what's going on?" He asked.

"Just drive to McKenzies house. I don't think she's okay. She texted me an apology and said to have a nice life without her." I said.

"Okay." Is all he said and we started driving.

We arrived at McKenzies house and we both ran out of the car. Thankfully the front door was unlocked, god only knows why though.

"You go upstairs and I'll look down here." Calum said.

I ran up the stairs and checked all the rooms except one. I walked into her room and notice her bathroom light is on. I walk in and scream out for Calum.

I get down on the floor and there's a puddle of blood surrounding her.

"McKenzie, McKenzie, wake up please. Your gonna be okay." I said shaking her shoulders lightly.

I hear Calum come in. He gasps as he sees her on the floor in a puddle of her own blood. I start to notice bruises on her cheeks as well.

"Call for an ambulance." I said as I pushed the hair out of her face and tried to hold back tears. I know we haven't been on best terms but I'm not gonna let her die.

Soon enough paramedics arrived and took her in the ambulance. We went to the hospital to make sure she was okay. Which she was. The doctors just said it would just take time for her to fully recover from the overdose and blood loss.

The doctors told us to go home. Which was kinda rude, but whatever. Calum dropped me off at home and thank god mom was not awake. She was a very heavy sleeper so I wasn't worried about her.

I crept back upstairs and changed into different clothes considering mine had blood on them. I threw them in the bin and changed into a new pair. I jumped back into bed and snuggled into the covers, falling asleep quickly.







The school bell finally rung and me and Calum were on are way to the hospital to see McKenzie. I really wanna know the whole story to as why she did it.

We pull up into the visitors parking lot and walk in. We sign in and make are way to her room. When we walk in she's awake staring off into space.

"McKenzie?" I ask softly. Her head snaps and looks at us. Her eyes were bloodshot and her makeup was running down her face.

My Next Door Neighbor | A Calum Hood FanFictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant