Chapter 29

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Allie's POV

The guys are coming back in 2 months, and I'm very excited. Hanna is coming back next month since we're going to the show. The guys only now that we're seeing them in concert, not that we have backstage passes.

Schools over in 2 weeks, and I have applied to several universities here, and in the states. The sad thing is, I'll be bored until the boys come back. I miss Calum so much, and it sucks. These next to months are gonna be unbearable but it'll be worth it in the end.

I stand up from my bed and see that it's almost 9:30. Oh yeah I forgot, I had gotten a little summer job down at the music store just to help get money for me to be able to go to university. I decided to take a shower since I have a little time until my shift. Which starts at 11.

I finish in the shower and walk into my closet. I grab my Green Day shirt, some jeans, and a flannel. I slip on my converse and grab my bag. I make my way down the stairs and see a note on the kitchen counter.


Your father and I went out for breakfast with friends this morning. Won't be back till later tonight.

Love, Mom

I crumple the note and toss it into the trash can. I pour myself so leftover coffee and eat a granola bar. I pick up my keys and walk out of the house.

The drive to the shop is a little less than 10 minutes. So I arrived fairly quickly. I check in with my boss, Tyler, who's only 3 years older than me. He's pretty cool actually, really laid back.

"Hey Allie, I need to go for a minutes so family matters. You think you can handle the shop for a few hours?" Tyler asks putting his coat on.

"Yup." I say, he nods and walks out of the shop.

The shop was quiet, only the occasionally customers came in. I was in the back organizing CD's on the shelves when the bell of the door signaled there was a new customer.

I stand up from the ground and make my way to the front of the store. Just my luck, it's Hayden. He smirks when he sees me and I roll my eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked annoyed with his presence.

"You still with Calum, cause if your not I can show you a good time." He says, still smirking.

"Yes and how about no. I wouldn't get in bed with you because a) you don't have a dick and b) I'm not lesbian." I say and all his friends start oohing and laughing at him.

"How would you know if I didn't have dick?" He asks.

"It's obvious isn't it? What you lack physically you make up for in a attitude. Which means you act like dick. So get the fuck out of my store!" I exclaim. His face turn red in anger, I wanted to laugh so bad but I remained calm.

He walked closer to the counter and slammed his fist on it. "Don't you talk to me like that, you bitch."

"I'll talk to you however I want to. So please leave or I'll call the police for your disturbance of the peace." I say smugly. Hayden storms out of the store along with his little friends.

I still can't believe I ever liked him. He's such a dick. Tyler walks back in and starts laughing. I look at him confusedly.

"You're great, I can't believe you stood up to him like that." He said doubling over in laughter. I couldn't help but laugh too.

"You saw?" I ask, he nodded still laughing.

"Alright, your shifts over. See you tomorrow." Tyler says, I grab my bag from the back and leave the shop.

That was an eventful day, and it's only my first day of the job. I get into my car and make my way home. As soon as I step inside my phone starts ringing. I see its Calum, so I answer immediately.

"Hey babe." He says into the phone.

"Hi." I say smiling, even though he can't see me. "So what's up?"

"Well, we're about to go one stage and I thought I would just call you to say hey."

"That's great, you'll never guess what happens while I was at work to today." I say into the phone.

"What?" He asks.

I start explaining to him everything Hayden said and what I said. By the end of the explanation he was laughing into the phone. So was I, it was ridiculous.

"Alright, well I gotta go." He sighs.

"Okay, I love you." I say happily.

"Ok." Is all he said before he hung up. It hurt that he didn't say 'I love you' back.

The way he said it too, he was so blunt and dry about it. It wasn't the sweet 'ok' it sounded more like the I don't care 'ok'.

I brush it off for now, thinking he was just nervous about going on stage. I walk upstairs into my room and fall back onto my bed, letting my thoughts take over me.

Did Calum still love me? Did he ever love me? Was I just some sort of game to him? Is he okay right now? All I know is that I miss him a shit ton and I just want him home.

I sound pathetic but I can't help it. I can't wait for theses next to months to be over and done with. Calum will be back in arms reach.


A/N: yay, another update. Ooh there's a new character.

Tyler, Allie's boss is going to be played by Tyler Posey from Teen Wolf. A.K.A one of the hottest human beings alive, but whatever.

Okay that's everything for right now. Please vote and comment.

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