Chapter 20

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Calums POV

*Before the Accident*

I grabbed my 5th bottle of beer and chugged it down. I hated myself for arguing with Allie. I should've been there and comforted her through her tears instead of causing more by yelling.

I slump lower into my chair and just looked at the wall. I need to get out of this house before I drink myself to death. I get up, grab my car keys and walk out of the house. I stumble down the driveway and get into my car with more difficulty.

Once I'm in, I pull out, and start driving den the road. I turned up the radio and tuned out everything. The road was pretty isolated at the moment.

The alcohol sets deeper into my system and I lose all control of the wheel. I'm swerving down the road. I soon see headlights of another car in front of me. I try and grab the wheel, but it's to late. I hit that car. And the innocent person behind its wheel.

I soon black out due to all the alcohol I had taken in and the collision between the two cars.

Allies POV

"...The driver has been identified. His name is Calum Hood."

Everything just got worst. Calum is the reason Savy is here. Lying in a hospital bed, dying.

I look back over to Savy and see her lifeless body. Cuts and bruises covering it. Tubes and wires connected to her. I started to sob more uncontrollably. Part of me was angry with Calum for his carelessness but the other part was worried about him. Was he hurt as well?

" t-the driver o-okay?" I choke out through the tears.

"When the cars collided his car went spinning and hit a a railing. His head a collided with the wheel and he blacked out due to that and all the alcohol he had taken in prior." The doctor spoke while flipping through his clipboard.

"Is he awake?" Michael asked.

"Currently he's is a coma." The doctor spoke and the long beeping noise went off.

The doctor runs over to Savy. Michael grabs me and pulls me out of the room. We just stood there in each other's arms. I cried into his chest. My red-headed best friend was gone. There was no getting her back. I cried even harder into Michaels chest. How could this happen. Why was Calum even drinking in the first place.

"Ms. Walsh, Mr. Clifford, and Ms. Taylor." The nurse spoke to me, Michael, and Bridgette. "Mr. Hood is stable if you'd like to go see him."

I got out of Michael's grasp and ran to Calums room. He laid there, just as lifeless as Savy did. My somehow more stable than she was. I took a seat in the chair next o his bed and just held his hand.

His forehead had a huge gash on it, the blood seeped through the bandage that wrapped around his head. "Calum if you can hear me. Please wake up. I need you, I can't lose another person. Savy's already gone, you can't go. I just want you to know I'm not angry with you. I just want you to wake up and be able to kiss your soft lips again. Be wrapped in your arms. I love you so much Calum. I need you so fucking much." I say and break down into uncontrollable sobs.

I don't know how long I sat there but soon Michael and Bridgette came in. Michael carried me back to our car and took us home. There I got undressed and laid down in my bed. How could so much happen in one day.

I can't lose Calum. No, I won't lose Calum. I wonder what my life would've been like if I never moved to Australia. There for sure would be this much drama.

I eventually fall asleep due to all the drama of this god forsaken day.







There I sat, at my best friends funeral. Listening to the priest go on and one about Savy and how she lived her life. I cried the entire time until it was my turn to go up and speak.

My heels clicked as I walked down the aisle to the podium. I got up there and looked at the crowd. Savy's aunt and uncle sat there sobbing, why would they though. They were partially her children since she didn't live with her parents.

"Hi everybody, I'm Allie Walsh. One of Savy's friend. I didn't know Savy this long, not even an entire year. But u can say with pride she was one of my best friends. I loved her so much, and I still do. She made me feel so welcomed when I moved here to Sydney. She made me feel as if everything was going to be okay. I always went to her for advice about things. The short 7 and half months Savy was here with me were some of the best. She never failed to put a smile on my face. She was my shoulder to cry. Savy will be missed, but heaven gained another angel. I know right now she's looking down at us, smiling proudly to know we're all play. Because in the end Savy just wanted everybody happy." I said before breaking down completely and running out of the church.

I sat on the curb and just sobbed. She's gone. Calum's stills in a fucking coma. Calum. I need to go see him. I wanna be there when he wakes up. I quickly run up to my car a drive to the hospital.

I arrive there quickly and go up to the front desk. I ask for Calum and they let me go see him right away. I walk in and to my surprise he was actually awake. After a week of being in a coma.

"Calum." I say and run up and kiss him all over. I pull back and look at him and he's just starting blankly at the wall no emotion in his face. I sat down in the chair next to him and just stare at him. He had a perplexing look on his face, he seemed to be thinking about something.

After 5 minutes of silence he speaks up. "I killed her, it's all my fault." And then he started crying. No sobbing.

I instantly stood up and got into his bed and wrapped my arms around him. "Please Calum don't say that. You couldn't have controlled that, you are under the influence." I said.

"But it's true, if I would've never yelled at you. I wouldn't have gone home and start drinking bottles after bottles of beer. I should've never left the house being that's drunk." He says burying his face into my neck and continuing I cry. I started crying as well, it broke my heart seeing him this vulnerable. I ran my fingers through his hair and cuddled him to try to get him to calm down a bit.

I didn't respond to him as I didn't know what to say. I just let him cry into the crook of my neck. He eventually fell asleep. I got up and went to my car where I pulled out the gym bag I left in there once. I grabbed some sweats and tshirt and walked back into the hospital.

I went to a bathroom and changed out of my dress and into my sweats and tshirt. I walk back into the hospital room and see Calum asleep. I walk over to his bed and get in next to him and cuddle as close as I possibly can do him.

There I fall asleep knowing Calum is alive and healthy.



Okayyyy so I updated sooner than I thought I would. I don't have school on Wednesday which I know is weird but I'm not complaining. I will try to update then or sometimes this weekend.

My updates will be coming faster now because this book doesn't have many chapters left. Maybe 10-15 left.

Was this chapter good? Because i feel like it wasn't.

My 'Get To Know The Character' things will be posted at the end of this book. Since it would make more sense to have them there instead of in the middle of it.

I really recommend you guys listen to The Scripts album Science & Faith because it's amazing. I recently downloaded it and it's amazing. Even though it came out a few years back. I've only now started getting into The Script.

I suggest you also read the 5SOS book. I love it so freaking much. And there's s many pictures of them in there. Like hell yes.

Sorry for the really long authors note. I just had a lot to say today. Okay I'll shut up now. Bye!


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