The two end up drinking in a coffee shop. Not many words were shared and they just sipped from their mugs. The air between them wasn't comfortable too, there was just too much tension one couldn't define. Wakatoshi acts first to break the tension in the air.

"I didn't mean to avoid you throughout the day." He put down his mug of black coffee as he tells her this.

"Just so you know, I cried because of you." She put her mug down too but a little more forced than the way he put his. This causes some liquid content to slop out of the warm mug.

"I heard that from Tendou and I am sorry." She seemed to accept his apology or at least he thought. She wasn't going to forgive him easily after pulling such a feat.

Asami was concerned so she asks him, "How did you get robbed anyway? Did the robber hurt you?"

"I was going to buy you the chocolate you liked when we were back in Miyagi. I opened my wallet in front of the convenience store then it was snatched from my right. Not the usual you'd experience here, but I guess he was desperate for cash. I couldn't run after him either, I'll hit several things and people on my way."

"That's because you're big. Gosh, why are you considerate of others when you became the victim? You're either too nice or too dumb." Of all the words his brain processed, it was the word big. His ears turn red again and heat slowly rose to his face.

"What? Are you embarrassed because of that?" Ushijima couldn't answer and decided to look away instead.

Was he that sexually frustrated?

He does not know but he is.

"Hey, Wakatoshi-kun." He finally goes back to normal and was able to meet her eyes again without wavering.

"Why were you avoiding me today? I know that last night you said that you'd give me space when I needed it, but I didn't tell you that I needed space. Plus, it's not like I don't. . . it's not like I don't like you back. I even came to you several times but you hid or ran away. Don't even try to deny that you did not hide from me! I saw you hiding behind the bleachers earlier! So why did you avoid me today?" She takes the mug up again and takes a sip from her coffee.

She had a lot to say. He had little and it's that he was horny. Or at least his subconscious was and he wants to be swallowed by the earth whole. He turns red again so he covers his face with both of his hands. He releases a heavy sigh before facing her.

"I- I had a dream."  Yay! He managed to say it.

Asami still doesn't understand though.

"So? Not a valid reason to avoid me throughout the entire day. What could your dreams even be aboutー" And that's when she finally catches on. "Oh my god, did you dream about me?" She asks him. He hates it because he felt disgusted, but he nods to respond to her question anyway.

"Oh my, I died in that dream didn't I?" She said and looked down. "Look Wakatoshi-kun, I am alive and healthy. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be there."

"No, you didn't die in my dream. We were kissing in my dream and it led to other things." He said so with a straight face. He swallows thickly as he tries to maintain eye contact.

"So. . . you were horny? Really? That's it? You had a wet dream of me and now you're avoiding me?" Which she said rather loudly, making the few people who were inside looking at them. Ushijima did not give a fuck, the others were invisible to him as of this moment. Kanai was embarrassed though and she smiled at the others telling that a wet dream was slang for waking up from a good sleep by someone wetting you literally. They just went back to minding their own business.

"Wakatoshi-Kun, you never had that kind of dream before did you?"

"That was the first Asami."

"You're cute. You're embarrassed to face me because of that and I cried because that was your reason? I'm so stupid!" She laughs lightly before continuing, " Look I am glad that it was me in your dream and not any other girl." She winks at him and he did not expect things to turn this way.

"I am sorry that I didn't give you your answer last night because I was overwhelmed. Now that I am not and that I could think straight, I am telling you. I want to be your girlfriend too." His eyes widen from the rush of happiness and love. He was speechless too.

Asami adds another thing and covers her mouth to whisper,

"Plus, you could kiss me anytime too."


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