Bold Type Chapter 34

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The bluenette beauty is wrapped in a large white blanket, sitting out on her large open balcony. She is waiting for the sun to rise over the large trees surrounding the Hyuga estate. It was something she would do with her sister when they were younger. It always made her feel at ease.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in" she yells lightly not moving from her spot.

"Big sis?"

Hinata smiled at her beautiful sister "Hanabi, come in"

"I figured you would be up, can I join you?"

Hinata opens her arms allowing for her sister to get under the blanket with her.

"Are we too old to be doing this?" Hanabi said getting comfortable.

"Never" Hinata laughed lightly.

They sat quietly just watching the sunrise over the horizon.

"Hinata?" She asked quietly


"Im sorry."

Hinata was taken back, "What for?".

She sighed loudly "I know you don't love Toneri."

"Why do you feel the need to apologize for that Hanabi? I agreed to the marriage because it will bring joy and positive growth between the two families. I will do what is need of me to help support our family, so please don't worry about me."

The youngest Hyugas face had fallen, knowing what her sister was giving up. She's the most kind, selfless person that anyone could be blessed to meet. She just wished that Hinata would get to have her happy ending for once.

"Hanabi" Bringing her back to reality, she could feel Hinatas hug grow tighter as if not wanting to ever leave their spot. "promise me that whomever you plan to spend the rest of your life with it is someone who is able to make you laugh, support you, and respect you. Promise me?"

"I promise."

Suddenly they hear someone knocking at her bedroom door.

"Hinata" It was Neji "your father and Toneri are waiting for you to over the wedding details"

"Thank you Neji" Hinata yelled out and quickly gives her sister another tight squeeze "I love you."

"I love you too big sis."

Hinata gets up and wraps Hanabi with the blanket before making her leave.

"You okay?" Neji says sitting down across from her.

"It's not fair" tears fall down one check.

Neji pats the top of Hanabis head "I know, but just know that everything happens for a reason."

She sniffed "I know"

He smiled "Good, now go get ready for breakfast."

Hanabi nods in agreement making her way out of Hinatas room.

Neji leans on the balcony rails with anger in his eyes "Damn it"


"Ino, what is going on?" Sakura makes her way into the social media director's office closing the door behind her.

Ino was pacing back and forth boiling with anger.

"Ino, what happened?"

The blonde looked over trying to wipe the tears from her eyes "Sai! Sai is what happened! he was just using me, working for the Akasuki so that they could break into Shikamarus office and get confidential government files"

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