Bold Type Chapter 11

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"No, I'm sorry but we specifically said the macaroons had to be Emerald green, not Shamrock. Okay, thank you I will be there tomorrow to pick up the new macaroons." Hinata hangs up and sighs in frustration.

"Everything okay?"

She looks up to see those beautiful blue eyes "Oh, um y-yeah"

She is trying to avoid eye contact and is fumbling papers around her desk.

Naruto sees how stressed the blunette was and put his hand over hers as if out of reaction. "Are you sure?"

He caught himself thinking what he said was kind of creepy as they don't know one another on a close personal level. His face turns a little red and quickly retracts his hand placing it on the back of his head.

"What I mean is- that you are known for being the best assistant at Emerald. You work your ass off and somehow make it look easy, you are just perfect."

"I'm no were close to perfect," she says with sadness behind her tone. "I was a business economics major and I'm still an assistant while all my friends have moved up. I mean my father disowned me for not going into the family business and now I'm color-coordinating macaroons."

Hinata was caught off guard for just spilling all her emotions so easily. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to just dump my problems on you."

Naruto leans over her desk putting only a few inches between them.

"Hinata I know you must feel stuck on Samui desk but you have to do what makes you happy."


She looks over to see Tonori standing there with a questionable face.

"Oh, Tonori, did you have an appointment with Samui?" as she quickly looks down at her calendar.

He glares at Naruto but then quickly turns to Hinata with a smile. "No, I was coming to talk to you, do you have time?'

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry Naruto."

Naruto nods in response watching with annoyance as the beautiful assistant he was finally able to talk to walks off with the arrogant lawyer.


"I apologize; however, I heard a majority of your conversation with that guy. How come you did not inform me of your worries about your position?"

"Toneri, I do not you want to stress about me, you already have so much on your plate. I truly enjoy working just been a little hard to see all my other friends moving up. But I am okay it was just in the moment I was feeling that so please do not worry about me."

Toneri gently grabs her hands and works to get her to make eye contact with him.

"If you really want a change in jobs let me see what I can do. I know there is an opening in marketing that I think you are a great fit for. I will make some calls and get an interview set up for you maybe next week."

Hinata perked up a little after hearing that, this could be a great job to have. She could finally show her father that she is not a complete failure for getting a credible position at Emerald.

"Thank you Toneri, I would very much appreciate that".

She quickly squeezes his hand before letting go and walking back to her office.

'I need to give him an answer soon, being with him is for the best. I may not love him now but I think I could grow to love him'

"Toneri" Hinata softly yells out before getting on the elevator.

"yes, I will marry you." with a fake smile on her face.

But Hinata could not stop thinking that 'It's what's best for everyone, right?'

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