Bold Type Chapter 12

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Hey guys!! Thanks to everyone for all the support from my last update! I am feeling really good about what I have done so far with the story! I will continue to work hard to get as many chapters out as I can! Please feel free to let me know how I am doing!

I do not own the characters of Naruto or the bold type!


"UGH!" shouts a frusterated pink haird women.

Sakura is sitting at her desk brainstorming on how she is even going to start this ridiculous article.

"What? Hungover from last night?"

Naruto says as he sits down at his desk that is direct across from Sakura.

"Ha, I wish I was hungover right now. How did I even get stuck as the 'how to girl'? I went to school to write about real issues in the world. To show the truth and facts, not put my emotional baggage out for everyone to see."

"Sakura! Just stop whining!"

She was caught off guard that goofy friend just snapped at her.

"Naruto? Are you okay?" with concern in her voice

"No, you are sitting here complaining about something that you have dreamed of doing for as long as I have known you. Yes, it may not be the type of writing you are wanting to do but it is something. Appreciate what you do have because thousands of writers would love to be in your shoes, to just have a shot."

Naruto looked so serious it almost scared Sakura a little. But she knew he had a point, to take every opportunity she is given because you can only go up from there.

"Sakura, I am sorry! I am just a little frustrated right now. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

"Thank you, Naruto, I think I needed to be kicked in the ass a little. I am going to go out and get some air so I can brainstorm."

As soon as Sakura leaves Naruto throws his head down in frustration.

He then softly says "Naruto, stop letting Hinata and that Lawyer guy get in your head"

"Excuse me?"

He looks up to see a tall and pale slender guy with hair as dark as coal.

"Oh hey man, Naruto Uzumaki! Can I help you with something?" he gets up to shake the stranger's hand.

"Sai, I am looking for someone by the name Ino Yamanaka."

"Oh, yeah follow me this way. She might be in her office."

Both men began to chit chat as they walk across the large office building. Sai soon see the familiar blonde that had visited just that morning.

She is speaking to what looked like a new and young employee.

"Okay, Airi, the outline for the Instagram post is good. However just remember we are dealing with images in which the audience will focus more on. It is important to know that less can always be more when making a strong statement. Okay? Perfect, keep up the good work!"

"Hey Ino"

"ugh! What do you want Naruto?"

She looks up to see the artist from this morning.

"Oh, Sai, hi." Was all that she could muster out.

"Good afternoon beautiful," he said with a straight smile.

Now that caught Ino and Naruto off guard.

"Okayyy, So I will just leave you two be!" He soon turns to Sai with his hand out. "Good talking to you Sai."

With Naruto gone, Sai turns his full attention to the blushing women in front of him.

"I thought a lot about what you said this morning, and what I do not understand is why this magazine? I stick by what I said in regard to how I would like my art shared with others."

Ino went from a blushing mess to the badass businesswomen she is.

"Look around, I know it must look like its all about makeup, clothes and how to get boys. In a way, yes, but what we do is more than that. When Tsundaie took over the magazine she shifted the focus. She likes to call it 'stealth feminism', It is no longer how to please a man... or women in bed. It is how to please one's self and learn the value that one may have in the world. I am sure if I could get you some time to talk to Tsunade later today. I believe she can convince you to let us publish that article."

"I do apologize, I have an art show tonight I need to prepare for."

"Okay, then let me be the one to convince you" the blonde persists.

Sai looks right at the blonde with a straight face. "Then convince me tonight at my art show and we can talk more there."

Ino was a little caught off guard, was he asking her out or was it more about business?

'Gosh, this guy is so hard to read' she thought but knew she could not let this opportunity go. "okay, but im not paying the entrance fee" as she crosses her arms with her nose in the air.

Sai showed a little bit of amusement of the blonde's reaction.

"Perfect, here is a flyer with the address and time. I will be waiting for your arrive beautiful."

Sai turns around and just disappears into the crowd of Emerald workers, leaving Ino confused and excited for her ... business date?

"What should I wear?" the blonde looks around for a familiar face.

Bingo! She runs off yelling in a whining voice. "Hey! Hinata! I need your help!"

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