Bold Type Chapter 9

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Sorry everyone for taking so long to update the story. I ended up moving and just did not have the time to continue with the story. My goal to write the whole story and just post it all so updates will be slow! Well, I hope you all enjoy it and please vote!!!



"You are engaged??" Sakura yells

Hinata squeezes the glass of water that she has yet to take a sip of.

"No, I haven't given him an answer yet."

Ino interrupts "wait isn't Toneri the lawyer for the Magazine? Can you guys even be in a relationship?"

"That is one of the reasons we have to keep the relationship a secret. I need this job, I love working here for Emerald, with you girls. I mean I gave up a position that my father had groomed me to work to be here. I can't give him a reason to see me as more of a failure."

Hinata burst out into tears.

"It wasn't until I agreed to go out with Tonori that father started to acknowledge me. We are still not on much-talking terms, but I am aloud to see Neji and Hanabi more often. Marriage between a Huyga and an Otsutuki could be something extremely benefit able for both family businesses. It is the least I can do for my family after all the trouble I put them through.

Sakura and Ino looked at one another with concern for their close friend.

"Hinata... do YOU love him?" says Ino.

She then burst out into hysterical crying

"ooh hinata.." both girls say as they hug their distressed friend.


"Oh no! its Samui! Im late and I need to go get her coffee."

Hinata gathers all her stuff quickly forgetting the fact that she still had a large coffee stain on her dress. She then looks at her beautiful supportive friends.

"Please do not worry about and don't tell anyone. Bye, I love you guys."

She then rushed out of the fashion room leaving behind the girls stressed with worry about her.

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