Bold Type chapter 32

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"Sakura, Congratulations on the successful article" She feels a familiar presence kiss her check as she is standing in line to get her Monday morning coffee.

The pinkette smiles at the action of her new romance "Thank you, Sasori." she then thanks the barista for her coffee.

"Why don't you come over to my place tonight so we can celebrate? I can cook a pretty mean salmon." He winks at her.

Sakura giggles "Okay, but only dinner! I know we have been seeing each other for over a week now but I told you I wanna take things super slow."

"yes ma'am," he said before pinching her butt. This caused her to yelp in surprise but laughs at his flirty attempt to be more physical. He does his signature wink before running off to work.

The pinkette is bombarded with people shaking her hand, congratulating her, saying how she was an inspiration. She was a little caught off guard by how much attention her orgasm piece got over the weekend but she didn't hate it.

"Look who we have here!"

Sakura turns around to see Ino and Hinata not far behind.

"Sakura! Your article is a hit! As of right now, it has one hundred thousand views and thirty thousand shares."

The pinkettes eye widen "Really?"

Hinata nodded her head "I think that's your best work yet."

"Thank's you guys! I guess my work doesn't have to be political to make an impact." Sakura smiles "Things are just going so well right now, my career is taking off, I am seeing this great guy, and I have the most supportive friends that a girl could ask for!"

Sakura turns towards her friends expecting them to say something, but they are looking at one another in worry. "What is it you two?" She saw Hinata's eye look to the side towards the main lobby doors. She tried to look in that direction but Ino grabbed her shoulders turning her back around.

"Sakura we should really get to work!"

"What are you two looking at?" the pinkette yelled finally getting out of Ino's stronghold. She looks to see Sasuke holding hands with a red-headed woman as they leave the building.

"Sakura?" the quite bluenette said with worry in her voice.

The green-eyed beauty turns with a smile on her face. "All good! We ended things so it is only expected that we would both move on."

Her friends didn't believe her but they knew better than to press on the matter.

"Let's get to work," Ino said with a smile as they make their way to the elevators. Sakura smiles at her friends knowing deep down inside she was still hurting.



Ino answers her phone. "Hey, Shikamaru, whats going on?"

"Hey, last week did you by chance use your card to get into the building after hours?"

"No, why?" she asked not knowing what her friend was asking.

"The night we all went out to eat at Choji's new place, it has you scanned in twice. The first time showing before dinner but then the second time shows at around 9 pm. We were still at the bar around that time."

"That is weird, maybe the system is messed up but I will check my purse." Ino pulls out her bag looking for the card but after a few minutes, she is unable to locate the card. "Shikamaru, I can't find it."

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