Bold chapter 16

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"I am glad that you were able to come to the show tonight Ino," Sai says to the blonde as they walk through one of the largest public parks in the city.

"Thank you for inviting me. It's great to be able to experience something new and learn more about art." Ino states as she pulls her phone out to check her Twitter feed.

Suddenly Ino feels Sai gently place his hand over her phone "why don't you give that to me, enjoy the moment".

As he is taking her phone Ino begins to softly whine "but.. but..." only to quickly give in.

Sai then grabs Inos hand "I would love to show you something, come on follow me!" He guides her up the long flights of stairs only hearing the sound of music. Once to the top, there is what looks to be an older gentleman playing the violin. There were other couples standing around listening to his serenading music.

Sai leans over whispering in her ears "Watch. Listen. Be in the moment."

Ino did just that, she could feel the sorrow in the melody. As if the music was speaking to her that it knew her story. Reminding her of the tragedy she faced as a teenager when she learned her father had died in active duty. He worked for the government in their intelligent division gathering information. It was all top secret but what she did know was that Shikamaur's father was there as well and neither of them ever made it back out from the mission. She hadn't really thought about her father's death in years. She knew he would have wanted her to be strong and she did just that.

Sai squeezed her hand bring her back to reality. She then realized that she had tears streaming down her face.

"I am sorry, that normally doesn't happen," Ino says as she wipes the tears from her face.

Sai just looks at her as if she is the only person there " That is what happens when you live in the moment." He continued "Why don't we go get something to eat"

"yeah, I am starving" Just as they were walking off Ino quickly turned around and tossed some extra money she had into the violinist case.

He looked at her with gratitude "Thank you very much, young lady."

With a big smile on her face, she looks up at the man "No, thank you for having such a beautiful gift."

She then returns to her place next to Sai and continues on their journey.

"Are you feeling better Ino?"

"Oh, yeah that, I was just remembering my father. He passed when I was in high school and the music just made me think about him." She continues "you know sometimes it good to cry and just let it all out. I know I don't do it enough but when I do, there is just this sense of relief. As if you feel like a whole new person! You know what I mean?"

Sai wished he could relate to that "Growing up in Root they treated us like weapons, not children. We could not show emotion, speak freely, or love. We did what we were told and never asked questions, or else."

"That must have been hard for you, no child should ever have to go through what you went through," Ino said as she closed the space between them gently stroking his cheek gently.
Sai then placed his hand over hers "I am still working on some things, but I have a good feeling about you Ino. You make me want to do more, feel more, express myself more with others. That is why I will agree to let Emerald publish the article. I trust you."

Ino jumps into Sais's arms thanking him for giving the green light for publishing the article. She was so happy to know that he trusted her.

"Now we have to celebrate!" Ino yelled still wrapped in Sais's arms. "what do you like to eat?"

Thinking about his conversation with Naruto early that day and how he could not stop talking about this ramen shop. "I heard there was a good ramen shop just a few blocks away."

"Ramen it is!" Ino yelled at the top of her lungs.

Sai had never felt this way about anyone, no one made him want to open up the way Ino did. He soon realized that she was more than just a beauty on the outside but even more beautiful on the inside.

"Hey! Get your girl under control! She is being loud as hell!" yell some large drunk guy who was passing through just looking for trouble.

"Excuse me, you drunk fat ass!" Ino yells as she walks up towards the man. "first off I am a woman, not a girl! Second, no one and I mean no one tells me what to do! Especially some drunk guy like you."

Sai then puts his hand on her shoulder "Ino, let's go, he is drunk, and won't even remember this in the morning"

"yeah, little girl, you should listen to your boyfriend. You need to apologize to me as you are being disrespectful towards your elder!"

"No, you need to be the one to apologize to me and Sai" Ino yells in pure anger.

"Tough shits princess!"

Just then Ino lunges at the guy to get a punch in, but Sai get in between causing her fist to barely miss the guys face. He then throws her over his shoulder and tries to walk away from the situation.

Just as Sai is putting Ino down they hear the drunk guy say "Damn I would have tapped that sexy ass of hers if she wasn't such a fucking bitch!"

Before Ino could even get a sound out the guy was on the floor knocked out cold. Sai had punched him so hard that the guy was snoring. Ino than ran up to him checking to see if his hand was okay.

"Don't worry I fought bigger guys than him" he then leaned down and quietly said, "and I won".

Ino was done at this point. No more tip-toeing around with him. She wanted him and she wanted him bad. Without hesitation, she grabbed the front of his shirt and smashed her lips on to his. It was pure passion at this point for the two and they had wanted it from the moment their eyes meet that morning.

Ino pulled away breathing heavily "my.. my place is only a block away"

Sai just nodded his head not saying a word, his eyes were only on her. Ino could not wait any longer she then grabbed his hand and lead the way.

Leaving the drunk on the ground to sleep off the alcohol.

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