28| The Other Kind of Soul Mates

Start from the beginning

She pulled out some of the ice cream I bought from the freezer and rejoined me at the table. "You know I'm right. I saw the way he looked at you when he was here. And the way you looked at him." She took a bite of her ice cream sandwich. "Still no word from him or Nate?"

"No," I breathed. I was hoping for an email or even a letter. Unfortunately, I was left in the dark. "I'm sure they're fine. Nate told me they might be out of touch for awhile. I just don't handle these things well."

I remembered the day I got the call three years ago. One of Nate's superiors called to inform me that multiple soldiers were M.I.A. and my brother was one of them. At the time, my parents had been dead for two years, and I had been with Adam for a little over one. I had called Adam right away when it happened and got no answer. He was on a 'business trip'. God knew what he was really doing. He was probably already cheating on me. So, I ended up staying with Harper-- for three months. That's how long I didn't know if my brother was alive or not. I barely ate, I didn't sleep, I couldn't work.

Harper had taken time off to help me. She was there while I cried. She was there to force feed me food. She was also there when I screamed at her to leave me alone. I've always felt like Harper was my true soul mate. Not in the romantic sense, but in every other way imaginable. We were soul mates. We were there for each other through everything. Whenever something bad happened in our lives, we were there for each other.

"Lanieeeee? Hello?" Harper waved her hand in front of my face. Damn, I got lost in thought. Again.

"Sorry," I breathed as I got to my feet. God, all this worrying was making me nauseous. I started to pace in my kitchen. "I'm letting this get to me. I can't let this get to me." Was the AC not working? It was hot as hell in here.

Harper had a concerned expression on her face as she came up to me. "Lanie, are you okay? You look like you're going to be sick."

I grabbed an envelope from the counter and started fanning myself. "Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'm just getting the flu. Most of the kids in my class came down with it. I'll be alright."

I leaned against the counter and Harper had that look in her eye. The look that meant she had something to tell me and was uncomfortable about it. "What?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

She shook her head absently. "Nothing."

I ached a brow. "It doesn't look like nothing. You have that face. Spill it."

She started wringing her hands and pacing around the kitchen. "Okay, this might sound crazy. But you had a Cuban sandwich the other day."

I frowned. "Excuse me?" What the hell did that have to do with anything?

She continued pacing and her tone changed in a manner that told me she was trying to convince me of something. "You had a Cuban sandwich. With everything. You have never ordered that before. You haven't been sleeping well and you've been a little...on edge."

Where the hell was she going with this? "So, what? I told you I was sick. It was probably Tyler or Kyle who got me sick." Those two were always spreading germs in my classroom. Putting things in their mouth that didn't belong. Feeling more nauseous at the thought, I grabbed the garbage can and sat down. "God, I feel like shit." I looked up at Harper. "I'm still going to the concert. I'm not missing my chance to see them perform live."

Harper came and stepped in front of me. "You aren't hearing me, Lanie. I don't think you're sick."

What was she talking about? Obviously I have the flu. "Of course I am. I told you I-"

"I think you're pregnant."

Everything stopped in that moment. Time stopped. My breathing stopped. My heart stopped. At least, that's how it felt. "I'm not pregnant," I somehow managed to tell her.

She knelt in front of me. "Lanie, think about it. You moods, your sleeping problems, the way you've been eating lately."

"Stress," I mumbled. "It's just stress. And the flu. I can't be pregnant." No, no, no, no, no. There was no way I was pregnant. I had the flu and that was all.

"Did you and Ayden use protection?" She asked quietly. When I continued to stare at her, she added, "Unless there is something you haven't told me, you stopped your birth control when you broke up with Adam."

I laughed. Then I laughed again. "I can't be pregnant. That would mean that-"

Oh, God. She was right. My body had been so different these past few weeks. It was trying to tell me what I didn't want to believe. Oh....God. Fuuuuuuuuck. I couldn't be pregnant. I couldn't be...

I looked up at Harper-and threw up into the garbage can.

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Writing Lanie - Forbidden Heart Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now