COVID Day Tragedy

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Hey Dolls

Sorry I haven't kept up to date but I've been incredibly busy with schoolwork (ironic to the next part), but I recently received some crazy news. Governor Andrew Cuomo has officially closed schools in New York!

Honestly at this point, school seems like an almost distant memory. All the kids at my school (well most kids) complained and groaned about school five days a week and how much our uniforms (private school)  sucked. Now, we would give anything to put on those itchy uniforms, just so we could see our friends.

For my Journalism class, we had to write a short paragraph describing our quarantine experience. I'd like to share mine:
Quarantine has been like a prison cell with no door to open it. Trapped in a small enclosed area with nowhere to run. Stuck staring at all the blank walls and there's nothing to do, except worry if I'll ever see the sun again. The other inmates are panicking too, constantly pacing around their cells trying to find an escape from the hopelessness has become so overbearing that they don't know what to do, either.

I hope you enjoyed it. Things are getting serious now and we could all use a little touch of excitement so I thought I'd tell you about what I'm doing.

1. Writing (obviously)
2. Watching TV shows. I just finished Sherlock on Netflix and I'm rewatching Once Upon a Time.
3. Exercising. I do a plank challenge everyday that slowly moves up by 10 seconds each day (I'm on 2 minutes and 20 seconds. I'm also using a running app called Running by Verv. The first two days are fine but day three and on are kicking my butt.
4. Learn a new thing. I'm in dance and I've been practicing my splits. I've done my right and left (though the left hurts) but I'm kind of struggling with my middle split.
5. Tan. I'm not sure where all you Dolls live and if it's safe to go outside, but my mom goes out onto our balcony and has a whole set up so she can tan.
6. It sounds lame but study. I know a lot of schools are closed, but you probably do online school and we'll be having school next year, so you should stay on top of your work and a little extra studying never killed anyone. I've been working on SAT and ACT prep, because I'm a horrible tester.
7. Play video games. I have an x box and a wii so I'm playing a bunch of different games.
8. Clean your room. I share a room with my sister and it's always a disaster, so it's gotten to the point that I cleaned my room.
9. Eat healthy. This is similar to exercising but if you're not able to go outside and exercise or anything along those lines,  it's important to eat healthy. Watch your carb and sugar intake. I'm anemic, so I eat a lot of green vegetables and red meat.
10. Read a book. I haven't been able to read a lot of books lately but I finished Lord of The Rings last month.

So there are a few ideas of things you can do on quarantine. Well thats all I gotta say so...... See ya on the flip side!



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