Ok so this was really akward

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Hey Dolls
Ok, it's finally STORYTIME WITH GREY. So short story long last year there was a boy-we're not gonna use his name bc I respect privacy-in, my class. Well over the semester we became pretty good uh what word do I use? Friends-but-not-completely I guess? Oh well, anyways the reason I say we're not friends is that after that semester he switched classes. He was a new kid that year but he-like most guys in sports-got really popular which made me say "No Grey we don't date popular guys they just turn out to be F-boys." So he kinda would talk to me when he saw me. Just the basic "hi" or "how's it going?"

Well anyways he ended up just flat out not talking to me and pretty much forgetting my existence and I didn't think about it that much until the last day of school. Now, this was really weird. He was next to me in the lunch line and out of the blue says: "Hi I'm ***** what's your name?" So I in my head I was saying "Wtf is going on?" But my mouth said, "Uh Grey Young." It was super weird but it got even weirder when he said: "That's a pretty name." If you haven't read my previous chapters of UDART you would know that I don't really like my name, and someone saying the name GREY YOUNG on is a pretty name on a GIRL it's kinda weird.

  So I just left the line bc I was like weird, but that's just the Background of the story. So today I was going to the bathroom and heading back to French-on crutches-and one of my crutches slipped. As the domino effect goes I almost fell over but then someone grabbed my arm and pulled me up and I saw it was him! I was like "ok wtf!?" But I just said that in my head.

  Instead, he said, "Grey what happened." And like picked up my crutch. Most people would see that as a kind gesture was really weird for me tho because I'm a very independent person and like to do stuff for myself. I just said, "Uh I fell roller skating and sprained my foot." And he just says "That sounds like something you would do."

   Now, this would've been something I would've laughed at if my friend had said that, but considering this guy who I knew for a SEMESTER and an acquaintance-I figured out the word thanks Google!-but left and became a popular boy and forgot about me. Comes up to me and starts talks to me saying "That sounds like something you would do." I felt so weird while this was happening. Some of you people think Omg my crush just saved me and is talking to me, but if you're someone like me who isn't big on talking to new people-now I'm not shy I just don't like talking to people I don't know it seems pretty uncomfortable. I just smiled and he helped me to class, but like I said think about it from an introvert-that was the closest word-it's not exactly comfortable to talk to people. Especially someone who FORGOT you! Well, that's all I gotta say so...... see ya on the flip!

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