Someone Threw A Paper at My Head

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Hey Dolls
Well while I was out for a week this new kid who I cant remember his name. I think it's like sword or something but we're just gonna call him knife for the sake of time. This kid is apparently really cute and all of the girls are obsessed with him. I hadn't ever seen him before. Today during 1st period since it was the last day we played games. One of them was that we had a snowball fight with paper. When there was about ten minutes left in class we were able to go on our phones. Now during that class I don't really talk because I'm not the biggest fan of some of the kids. While I'm quietly on my phone, I just feel this was of paper hit me in the head. Now I have no tolerance for people who do that. I just slowly turn around to see this kid quickly start staring at his phone. A bunch of kids start pointing at him and I just give him this look. I then realised I HAD NEVER SEEN THIS KID IN MY LIFE. I just very calmly said "Excuse me?" He started saying how he didn't do it and blamed another girl. I just ignored him and went and sat by my friend. We were just talking about floating pancakes when somebody tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see the kid. He just says "Hey Grey since Julia(the girl he blamed) won't do it I wanna apologise for her." Now let's not forget that I hadn't ever seen the dude. Literally all I said was "And you are?" He just looked at me super confused. Like he expected me to know him. "I'm Knife. And I'm sorry for what Julia did." Now I knew this kid was lying and he seemed like he wanted me to forgive him. You guys should know by now I don't give mercy to any. Especially liars. I just gave up and turned away. I still can't get over that he had been with me in my class for 2 weeks and I never noticed him. Well thats all I gotta say so...... See ya on the flip side!
If you ask me if he was attractive or not I refuse to answer that due to the fact I don't wanna start drama.

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