Chapter 47.

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Chapter 47. 

*Winter's thoughts/pov*

I was still in shock due to the damage done to Tyler's face. Zayn definitely did a number on him that's for sure. I looked down at Zayn's knuckles as our hands were entwined and didn't see any cuts.. Maybe he beat him with some sort of object.. A baseball bat maybe? I don't know. But Zayn wouldn't do that.. Would he? I cringed at the thought and looked up at him just as he turned to face me with a smile on his face. Curse him for being so cute. I- being the hopeless idiot I am, of course couldn't help but smile back. His smile was contagious. 

I watched the game along with everyone else and everyone on the stands stood up from their seats to see who was going to score the winning goal. Soon enough Louis was running towards the goal and everyone was cheering and screaming and I stood up to join them. My heart was pumping in my chest as he ran towards the goal, kicking the ball and dodging people from the opposite team. He scored and Harry literally went insane causing me to laugh. He was jumping up and down and cheering along with the rest of the crowd. I didn't expect the atmosphere of the game to be like this. The crowd was incredibly energetic and the school spirit was through the roof. I watched as Louis' team all picked him up and they carried him across the field cheering and Louis threw a fist in the air cheering along with his team. 

Everyone started to disperse from the bleachers and Zayn grabbed my hand, entwining it with his as we made our way down from the bleachers and onto the ground along with everyone else. When we got down we walked over to the boys who were standing around waiting for Louis to come off the field. I stood by and watched as they all chatted about the win and their plans for afterward. Harry mentioned going out for pizza so I assumed that was what was happening. 

"So did you have fun?" I looked up at Zayn and nodded, biting the inside of my cheek to refrain myself from asking him about Tyler. I don't want to piss him off or ruin the happy atmosphere. I don't think I hid my emotions very well though because he seemed to be able to tell something was up.

"What? What's wrong?" He looked at me worriedly and I shook my head. 

"Nothing. I had a great time tonight, it was a lot more fun than I imagined." I smiled and he smiled back. I know that all Zayn was doing was protecting me from Tyler being the asshole he is and I'm flattered but he didn't need to beat the kids face in. I mean, I could have done it myself. Just joking. I've been surrounded by violence for a majority of my life now and I know for sure it doesn't solve anything. All that was really needed was the exchange of a few truce setting words or maybe even some threats and everyone could have moved on with their lives but then again, I never asked for Zayn to say anything to Tyler which only raises my suspicion more. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Louis came running over to us and the boys started hollering and cheering. Louis wore the biggest smile on his face and the boys all crushed him into a group hug, even Zayn. I smiled at how close they all were. Their friendship was actually adorable but at some point they all did bond over one thing, almost beating me to death. I forgive them but no matter how hard I try, I can never forget it. 

"Winter! You came to the game!" Louis grinned at me and I nodded. 

"Of course I did! You were a beast out there!" I smiled back at him and he thanked me and the boys all started walking toward the exit following the crowd of people exiting the field. They invited me out for pizza but I told them I was just going to head home because I was tired which is true. Plus, I didn't want to crash their little guys night out.

Bullied by them..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang