Chapter 20.

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Chapter 20.

(play song on the side if you wish)

*Winter’s thoughts/pov*


Not so long ago

In a land closer than it seems

There lived a silly little girl

With a pocketful of dreams

She was as hated as was loved

It didn't matter what she'd done

But the one thing that she knew

Was that she hurt everyone

I sat in my room as the pen smoothly scribbled across the paper. I haven’t been to school in 4 days and I don’t want to go. Today is Friday so I’m just going to continue sitting in my room like I have been for the past few days, writing in my journal. Yeah, I have a journal. I don’t call it a diary because it’s not really a diary. I do submit some things that happen to me but that’s only so I know what dates and days it happened on. I usually write small short poems in here.

I go to school

There you are

Laughing about what I am

Giving me scars

My heart is ripped open

My mind filled with thoughts of rage

Your words have me trapped

Within an iron cage

My hatred for these boys is unbearable. I didn’t know that they could be so cruel to just leave me tied up in an abandoned warehouse. Imagine if Harry wouldn’t have come to save me and I would have been stuck in there all night and maybe even all day? The rats probably would have eaten me alive. I’m confused as to why exactly Harry saved me. He was there when I was getting beaten to a pulp but didn’t do anything about it but yet he comes to rescue me? It doesn’t make any sense. I don’t care either. Sure, I’m grateful that he got me out of there but I still hate him. He’s just as much to blame as the rest of them.

The bruises I got from that day are still visible just not as visible as they were before. My parents came back at the end of last week and tomorrow they’re leaving again. I wish I could go with them. But it’s to do with work so I guess I’m not able to. I’ve pulled off not going to school claiming I had a stomach bug and hid my bruises with long clothes. The only thing concerning me about them leaving is the fact that Zayn knows where I live and seeing as he had no problem beating me over and over, he surely won’t have a problem bringing Louis and the rest of them here. I just hope they aren’t able to get in. Hopefully they will think my parents are home and won’t bother me here. Hopefully.

Another thing to add to my list of misery is Marcel. The message was very clear when Louis and Zayn told me that I have to stay away from him. I don’t want to even think of the consequences. Marcel is such a sweet boy and I definitely feel something towards him but I guess that means nothing if I can’t be around him. He’s obviously noticed me not being at school because he’s been texting and calling me like crazy these past few days. He even came over a few times but I told mum and dad that I didn’t want him coming in. It’s heartbreaking but it’s the best thing for both me and him.

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