Chapter 41.

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Chapter 41.

*Winter's thoughts/pov*

Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me twice? Shame on me. This saying fits my situation perfectly. Is there ever a time in my life that there isn't drama, there isn't tears and is there ever a time where the world doesn't hate me? No, there isn't.

I can't believe that Zayn is so heartless that he would do that to me. This whole time I thought that he had changed, I thought that he was the sweet person that I let myself become close with. But it turns out it was all just a lie. I should have known that he wouldn't change. I should have known seeing as the first time I met him he did the same thing, but pushed me down the stairs. This time it's worse. I would much rather be pushed down the stairs. Because this time, I let myself get emotionally attatched. So now, it hurts more. 

"Winter!" I groaned at the sound of my mum calling me. I pulled my bed covers over my head and burried in them. "Winter!" I continued to ignore her. "Winter Davis!" I heard her come into my room.

"I'm sleeping." I mumbled and she yanked the covers off of me. 

"Just because your having boy drama doesn't mean you can mope around in your room all day." I sat up and looked at her. "Don't say you aren't because I've been down the same road my dear."


"Don't even try to deny it Winter. I know my daughter and I know the results of relationships gone wrong." I frowned at her.

"There wasn't a relationship to begin with." She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say." She smirked. "But seeing as you haven't done anything all day, you can take out the rubbish." I groaned loudly.

"Since when do we even take out our rubbish?!"

"I take it out all the time! That's probably why you never knew." She shook her head. "But it's raining out and I got my hair done yesterday. So you can do it." She grinned and I rolled my eyes, getting out of bed.


"That's my girl." She walked out of my room while I grabbed a jacket and a pair of slippers from my closet. I jogged downstairs and to the kitchen where I found mum with two big garbage bags. "Have fun." She handed them to me and I walked my way to the front door. I guess she's right though. I shouldn't be moping around all day over this. I shouldn't be spending my day reminicing the time I spent with Zayn and how much it hurt for him to betray me. I should be doing things to get my mind off it. Sure, taking out the rubbish isn't the best thing but it's something.

I chucked both bags in the rubbish bin and cursed under my breath when I realised that my jacket didn't have a hood. Just my luck. I turned around ready to walk back inside when I noticed a figure standing in the middle of the road with an umbrella.. 

"What the hell.." The person is just standing there, in the pouring rain and what seems to be staring at me.. "Excuse me but why are you standing in the middle of the road?" I yelled. "Go inside before you get sick!"

"I have an umbrella!" The person called back. Wait.. 

"Zayn! Go home! And get out of the rain you lunatic!"

"Not until you let me explain!" He is an idiot. I stormed over to where he was standing in the middle of the road and looked up at him.

"Stop being so damn stupid and go home. Standing in the middle of the road, at this time of night is just stupidity!" I hissed and he threw his umbrella to the ground. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you-" He grabbed my cheeks, pulling me into him and pushed his lips to mine. Our lips fit perfectly together and I completely ignored the fact that the rain is pouring down on us. He pulled apart and I opened my eyes. I wiped the hair that was stuck to my face away and looked to see Zayn staring down at me.

"Are you crying?" I asked when I noticed the white of his eyes was somewhat red, even in the dim light.


"Were you?" He looked down and nodded. "Why?"

"Because of you." My eyes widened. "Please don't hate me. I promise you I had nothing to do with Louis hiding Marcel away! The first I heard of all of it was when he just told us the truth. I swear I didn't have anything to do with it." 

"How do you know Louis wasn't lying?" I pressed.

"I've known Louis for years. And despite all that he's done to you, he was telling the truth. He's trying to be a good person." I shivered, now remembering that we're standing in the rain. "Please forgive me. Please say that you aren't mad at me. Please believe me Winter. I swear on my life, I had nothing to do with it! I've never been so sure of anything in my life! Actually, there's the other thing I'm sure of but- I got off track, but please say something!" He pleaded.

"What's the other thing?"

"I-" He drew in a deep breath. "I wasn't sure at first, I thought I was just being dramatic. But then I realised I had all of the symptoms. I was just scared to admit it out loud." My heart stopped. The symptoms of what.. Is he dying?!

"The symptoms of what Zayn?!" 

"I'm in love with you."

So uh, I kinda took too long to update again? I'm literally the slackest writer on wattpad. Ffs. Why must I take so longggggg? :( But sorry for taking so long and sorry for always leaving you guys on cliffhangers! 

Thank you all so much for reading and for still sticking with me through this book! Comment, vote ect! :) <3

Bullied by them..जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें