Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

*Winter’s thoughts/pov*

The weekend is over already. Much to my disappointment. Yesterday i didn’t do anything except for watch movies all day and say goodbye to my parents. Apparently they’re going back to America to do something to do with work. Why or what it is? I wouldn’t have a clue but they told me to be safe and they won’t be back for about two weeks. As soon as i heard them say to be safe, i immediately thought ‘safe is not a word found in my vocabulary’. It’s true. As long as i’m in school, in this country or as long as my bullies are alive, there’s no such thing as safe.

They also left me money for groceries.

I’m not really worried about them leaving either. What’s there to be worried about? Unless some sort of serial killer comes into my house and attacks me while their gone, i have nothing to be worried about when at home. But school? That’s a different story.

Speaking of school, i’m about to walk through the gates. You may be wondering what happened on Saturday when Liam helped me escape, well it’s pretty self explanatory- i escaped. No troubles or anything either. I ran straight home and didn’t leave for the rest of the weekend. I’m still surprised that Liam actually helped me considering that i still hate him and want nothing to do with him. Maybe he’s just stubborn or maybe he’s trying to get in my pants.. Ew. Okay maybe not the second one.

I walked to my locker and shoved my bag in. I actually don’t know why i even bother bringing my bag to school. The only thing i ever carry in there is my lunch and possibly a pen, but the pens usually stay in my pocket. I should actually leave my bag in my locker until lunch when i actually need it. Sounds like a plan! I would leave my skateboard in there too but 1- i didn’t bring it today and 2- it won’t fit anyways.

I shut my locker and headed straight towards the art classroom.

There’s still another half hour or so until the actual bell rings so i thought i might be able to work on my assessment. It’s pretty easy actually. All we had to apparently do was design/create and draw our own cartoon character then write a 200 word essay about the made up characters personality, appearance and whatever else is on the task sheet we were given. I would have done this yesterday but it turns out i left my art book here in my last art lesson. I don’t remember how i managed that but it probably has something to do with me trying to get out of class before those terrorizing boys got to me.

I don’t even know why they do art to be honest, as far as i’m concerned none of them can draw. In fact i’m extremely surprised that all of them except Liam actually have brains.

I chuckled to myself and pushed open the classroom door and walked straight up the front to the teacher’s desk to check for my book there first.

Nope, not here.


I searched around where the art supplies were kept and where some students leave their art scrapbooks when their too lazy to take them to their lockers and found it nowhere to be found.

What the hell? I was almost certain i left it here!

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