Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15.

*Winter's thoughts/pov*

I stood by my locker waiting for Louis and his irrelevant idiots to appear with Marcel by my side, well standing in front of me.. It's almost time to put my plan in motion. I have never been so nervous in my life. I hope Marcel sticks by his word and doesn't hate me. God. This seemed a lot less nerve racking when I thought of it yesterday in my furious state..

My head turned to look behind Marcel when I heard a familiar dreadful laugh. Louis. Along with Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn and some skank attached to Zayn. She must be the blonde that Marcel told me about.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed Louis look my way with a huge smirk on his horrendous face, soon heading towards us. I quickly stood closer to Marcel, the nervousness from before returning 10 times worse. I looked up at him with a nervous smile while he looked down at me with a confused look.

"Remember yesterday how I told you I had a plan?" I spoke quickly, trying to get this done before Louis reaches us. He nodded and I sighed. "Well I'm about to put that plan in motion. No matter how strange or stupid what I'm about to do or say seems, please go along with it?" I begged, slightly looking behind him finding Louis and his gang a few metres away. He nodded and smiled slightly. "Good. Wrap your arms around my waist." I instructed while he coughed but did it anyways. I wrapped my arms around his neck and focused. "Now this is going to sound really embarrassing and stupid but, kiss me." He coughed, choking a bit and nodded, looking more nervous than I have ever seen him before.

I looked and noticed Louis just about to reach us when I decided to take matters into my own hands and pushed my lips to his.

Our lips moulded together perfectly and I closed my eyes.

I heard a gasp and a few 'what the fuck's and pulled apart from Marcel's lips. He blushed and I smiled thankfully, despite the butterflies still being in my stomach. I looked and found Louis standing in front of us with a huge glare on his face.

"Hi Louis!" I fake smiled while he glared at me.

"Shut up!" I rolled my eyes. "What do you think you were just doing?" He looked Marcel up and down with a disgusted look.

"Wasn't it obvious?" I smiled the most sarcastic smile I could.

"Watch it Davis!" Zayn warned from behind Louis. I raised my eyebrows at him, him and I both knowing that I have something over him and he looked away.

"Are you jealous?" I cooed while he clenched his teeth.

"Ew, no! Why would I be jealous of him-" he gestured to Marcel. "kissing you?" He let out a loud laugh.

"You tell me. You were the one trying to seduce me in class yesterday." His eyes widened along with everyone else in his little possy.

"HAH could she be any more pathetic?! She actually thinks that I would try to do anything with her?!" He let out a snort of laughter but worry flashed in his eyes. I smirked to myself and watched as he started to walk away. "Watch your back Davis." I did a sarcastic little wave just to irritate him even more. He's so going to kill me for this.

"Well-" I turned to talk to Marcel but was slammed up against the lockers before I could finish what I was about to say. I hissed in pain and opened my eyes to find Zayn standing there with his tattooed arms pinning my shoulders against the lockers. He leant close to my ear and my breath hitched.

"Meet behind the school building after school, we have another tutoring session!" He hissed quietly, pushing me against the locker once more before leaving, his leather boots making a noise as he walked. Creep. I let out a sigh and turned back to Marcel.

"Well as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted- we better get to class." He smiled, still looking nervous but I shrugged it off as we made our way to class.



"C- can we talk about what happened earlier?" Marcel asked as we made our way to our lockers before going our separate ways home. Well in my case, to Zayn's house. Blegh. Tutoring him is useless, plus we already did our assessments last week so I don't see why I have to still tutor him.. Maybe he's planning to torture me instead.. Oh god.

"Uh, sure!" I stopped walking as we reached our lockers. "Let me just say first that, I'm so sorry!" I apologised. "I didn't mean to steal your first kiss like that! I just thought that it would have been a good way to prove to Louis that he's an idiot. That's not a very good explanation but that's the first thing that came to my head to do.." I bit my lip nervously. "I just thought that if I did that, he would have one less thing to tease you about.. And if you hate me even though you said you wouldn't, I completely understand."

"What? I don't hate you! I don't think I ever could!" He smiled. "I just wanted to say thank you." My mouth fell open. "You taking my first kiss feels like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I was always worried about most likely being the only boy my age who hadn't kissed a girl yet and I always worried about not finding that one girl to have my first kiss with because let's face it, I'm not exactly a chick magnet." He made another one of his nasal sounds and I smiled. "And I'm glad it was with someone I trust. So thank you." I pulled him in for a hug.

"Stop saying things like that! You don't 'repel females'!" I chuckled at his strange use of words. "I like you just the way you are and if no one else can accept you for you, they can fuck off." His mouth fell open. "Don't be so shocked! It's true! They can fu-"

"I get it! Just stop saying that word!" I laughed and pulled him in for another hug.

"Just remember that you don't have to please everybody." I mumbled into his chest. I shifted out of his grasp slightly and looked up at him. "And on the contrary, you were my first kiss too." His eyes widened. "But I've gotta go, we can talk about this when I see you next which is probably tomorrow? I'm already running late!" He nodded with a smile.

"Bye Winter!"

"Seeya Marcel!" I called running off down the hallway, out the front of the school and around the corner to the back. Marcel is so sweet. I wish all boys were like him. Not some perverted sick scum that sleep with a different girl every night like almost every boy at this stupid school. What ever happened to the society where men actually respected females? I wasn't around when that time was but I sure know that I wish times now were still like that.

"We have to wait a while, Louis is still here." I looked up and found Zayn standing there leaning against the brick wall with a smoke in his hand. I groaned and sat down on the grass while he frowned. "Are you stupid? Get over here! If you get seen by anyone, Louis actually, he will find out!" I groaned again and got up, moving over against the brick wall opposite to him and sat leaning against it.

"Why do-" "Do you-" We both spoke at the same time after a minute or so of silence.

"I'll go first." He cut me off. Dick. "Do you have a car?" I frowned.

"No." He groaned. "Shouldn't you know that?! I skate or walk to and from school everyday and you and your idiot friends usually beat me up then." I scowled. "Now my question, why do you smoke?" He shrugged. "Do you want to die?" He rolled his eyes.

"Don't give me a lecture for gods sake. I get enough of those about smoking, I definitely don't need one from you."

"I wasn't going to give you one, I couldn't care less how it affects your life. I was just wondering." My phone vibrated signalling that I have a text. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and found that it was from Marcel.

Marcel (:

Just wanted to thank you again. Get home safely! I'm finally about to go get myself a car with mum so I'll pick you up tomorrow morning? :-)

I smiled and sent a reply.

Stop thanking me! You never told me that you had your licence!! But yes, if that's alright with you. Just make sure you don't kill us with your horrible driving (;

Marcel (:

Ha ha. Your so funny. :-( If you must know, I'm an excellent driver!

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