Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

*Winter’s thoughts/pov*

I don’t want to go to school today!

Yesterday i had the day off because by the time i got home it was almost 12pm and i was too tired and sore to get ready for school so i just had a nice hot bath and played around on my social networking sites. Yes, i have instagram, facebook, twitter and whatever else. Just because i get bullied doesn’t mean i can’t do whatever i like and have what every other teen has these days. Well i can’t necessarily do what i like at school, but when i’m at home, i’m free!

Right now i’m making breakfast. Toast, to be exact.

My injuries were pretty bad from getting beaten but they weren’t the worst.. I’d still prefer not to have it done but i guess don’t really have a choice. After i had a bath i had a look closely at my injuries and discovered that i had the two bruises on my face obviously, bruises on both sides of my ribs- at least they aren’t broken, bruises up my left arm and leg and also on my left boob.. Yeah it bloody hurts. I hope i don’t get breast cancer.

I wish there weren’t 5 of those boys. I mean if there was only one, i could fight back- beat the shit out of him. But no, 5 boys have to gang up on me- a girl. Pathetic yes? No, so much more than pathetic that there isn’t even a word to call them. That’s how much of sad excuses of humans they are. If i had the money to hire someone to beat the living daylights out of them, i probably without a doubt would.

I finished my toast and put the toaster back and cleaned up my mess.

“Bye mum, bye dad!” I called to my parents who were most likely up in their rooms getting ready for work. I’m actually leaving before them for once.. I guess I just want to get to school before Louis and his gang get there, so i won’t have to deal with them insulting me or possibly attacking me. I just wish I didn’t have to deal with them altogether. I wish they would disappear right off the face of the earth. I wish.

Usually i don’t wear makeup to school, it’s occasional, but today i wore foundation simply to cover up my bruises. Not to hide from any students, as if they would care. But to hide from the teachers and my parents. They would constantly question me about it and whatnot. As for hiding the rest of my bruises, i’ve got jeans on as usual and a hoodie.

I also wish i didn’t have to wear this. I could just be free, wear cute dresses, shoes ect. But nope. Somehow i’ve done something so bad in life that God has decided to curse me with being bullied every day of my miserable little life by 5 boys whom happen to be much more muscular than me.


I skated down the street i was now on, school in my full view. I wish i didn’t have to go to this stupid school. I skated across the crossing and picked up my board as soon as i got to the front gates.

I walked in with my board in my hand looking around to find no one. That’s a good sign. Meaning no one is here to stare at me and the boys aren’t here to bully me. Thank heavens for waking up extra early this morning!

I walked straight in, going to my locker and putting my bag in, taking out my two History books and shutting it. I always keep my pens in my pocket because it’s a pain in the ass to always get them out of my bag then put them back in after every class. So i find it much easier to just keep them in my pocket.

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