Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10.

*Winter’s thoughts/pov*

“If you think batman could beat Thor ­­you are clearly more insane than i thought!”

“So you’re telling me that batman could be beaten by some guy with luscious long hair that carries around a hammer? As if!” I threw my head back with laughter.

“Does batman have a hammer that can control the earth’s weather? I didn’t think so.”

“Does Thor have a batmobile? I didn’t think so.” He mimicked me.

“Thor is better than batman. That’s the end of the conversation.” I crossed my arms over my chest. I can’t believe that i’m actually getting along with Liam.. I didn’t do it willingly, i swear! He’s just, it’s just. Ugh. We kind of got off topic and he asked me who my favourite superhero was then we started talking about superheroes and as you can see, he thought batman was better than Thor so of course i had to put up a fight! Then it turns out that he actually made me laugh.. AND i actually found something that we both have something in common.. This is not good.

“Uh uh!” He tsked me. “The end of the conversation will be when you admit that batman is clearly way cooler than-“

LILI! THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED!” My head shot towards the front door only to see my worst nightmare..

My bullies.




My heart stopped and i looked straight down. No, no, no, no, no! Please, no! Anything but this! Why did they have to come here?! Liam said earlier that i wouldn’t need to worry about the boys because they don’t know about him staying here to watch his sister’s house!


I should have known this was a set up! A second. That’s all it bloody takes for you to think that you could remotely even have the slightest thing in common with your bully! But guess what? I bet that was all a fucking lie. So Liam could invite his pack of gorillas to torture me. How could i be so stupid?

“Look what we have here boys.” I heard Louis’ menacing voice. I didn’t dare to lift my head and heard that devilish chuckle. “So she’s choosing to ignore us? That’s a shame.”

“Leave her alone Lou.” I heard Liam’s voice from beside me and my eyes widened slightly.

“And why the hell should i Liam?” I finally decided to look up which wasn’t that good of an idea because all of their eyes were now on me. “Actually, a better question would be- why is she here?”

“I’m tutoring her. So if you guys don’t mind, we can hang out tomorrow.” Liam stood up gesturing for them to leave.

“But what fun would that be Li?” Louis walked over to me, kneeling in front of me. “We’re all here alone, we could have a lot of fun.” He caressed my cheek with his grimy hand. I scrunched up my face and pulled it away from him only causing him to smirk even more. He started turning away when suddenly he spun back around with his hand smacking straight into my face. My head turned from the impact and i hissed out in pain.

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