Chapter 9.

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Elephant14

Chapter 9.

*Winter’s thoughts/pov*

I was dozing off in History class with my head on my desk until i heard my name being called. I shrugged it off and continued falling asleep.

“Miss Davis!”

What? Whatever it was, i didn’t do it!” I sat up, rubbing my eyes to find the whole classroom empty.. 

“Miss Davis-“ Mr. Henries shook his head. “Did you ever think to consider that sleeping in class may just be the reason you’re failing it?” I chuckled slightly as he went to get something from his desk and came back over to me with a small piece of paper in his hand. “I understand that you’re failing and seeing as paying attention in class is also a problem, i’ve decided to get you a tutor.” I groaned.

But Sir!” I whined.

“No. You need all the help you can get. I don’t understand how or why you fail this class because in a lot of other’s you seem to be either the highest in the class or almost the highest.” A slight frown appeared on his face. “But nonetheless, this is your tutors address, go there as soon as you leave this classroom.” He handed me the paper while i examined the scribbled address. “And no more sleeping in my class.” He smiled slightly and i grinned, packing up my stuff and running out.

So apparently i’m being tutored at an anonymous tutor’s house in the next hour or so? Sounds like an adventure.





I arrived at what seems to be the house and examined it. It’s cute. Small, has a cosy feel to it, looks like only one person lives here. Oh well.

I walked up the small steps to the front door and knocked. I waited for a few seconds, staring down at my shoes until i heard the door open. I looked up with a smile on my face only to have it immediately wiped off. I must have the wrong address.

“Uh, wrong house.” I blurted out, about to run off until he grabbed my arm.

“You’re being tutored yeah?” I frowned but nodded. “Good. I’m your tutor.” I immediately groaned and threw a bunch of curse words around in my head that shouldn’t be repeated.

“Well whose house is this? I thought your house was that one i woke up in?” I scowled at the memory. Or maybe i’m just delusional.. Why does Liam have to be my tutor?!

“That was my house, well my parent’s house.” He chuckled. “This is my sisters, i gave Mr. Henries this address because i thought it would be more quiet and easier to concentrate in.” He smiled. I refrained from making a disgusted face.

“Okay..” I walked inside as he gestured for me to come in. “So where’s your sister?”

“She’s gone on holiday for a few weeks, travelling.” I mentally facepalmed for having to stay here with him alone. “So i’m staying here and looking after the place for her.”

“That’s nice.”




“Britain lost 13 colonies, but defeated France, and enjoyed the largest empire- both in terms of land mass and population, in the history of the world. I'm not exaggerating either.” I rubbed my temples while this information went in one ear and out the other. This is so boring! And listening to Liam’s voice is just making me have all the more reason not to pay attention to this.

“Why do you have to be my tutor?”

“What?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

“I know you heard me, now answer the question.”

“Well i guess it’s because i’ve got the highest grade in the class?” His eyebrows furrowed slightly. I just groaned and threw my body back into the couch.

“This is boring.”

“You haven’t listened to anything i’ve said have you?”

“No.” He chuckled. This boy confuses me. He helps his friends attack me, helps me when Louis almost killed me then helped me get out of the restaurant when Louis was about to torture me and now he’s tutoring me.. Without trying to assault me in any way.. Ugh. Why am i even paying attention to what he’s doing? He’s just as irrelevant as the rest of those gorillas so i shouldn’t even think about them.

“How about we try a different method?” I turned my head to the side to observe his facial expression.

“Like what exactly?”

“Well you seem to be falling asleep with me rambling on about the war etcetera so how about we try a different way of teaching you?” I nodded, sitting up straight. “So you can draw right?”

“Ye- wait, how do you know that?!”

“Zayn.” He shrugged. I groaned. “Anyways, you can draw. So this time actually listen to what i’m teaching you and whatever i tell you, draw whatever comes to your mind when i tell you the stuff.” Hopefully this will be easier and less boring. “That made sense right?” I nodded. “Okay so try and write down some of the things i say but also draw, it should be easier for you to remember.”

Having to tutor one of my bullies and now having to be tutored by one of my bullies? This year is not going well for me at all.

I’m so sorry for taking so long to update! I was writers blocked.. :( ahah but thanks for reading and comment, vote ect! :) <3

P.s. Sorry for such a short and shitty chapter!

Bullied by them..जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें