Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

*Winter’s thoughts/pov*

Fancy seeing you here.” What the hell is he doing here?! All I ask for is to have peace two days out of a seven day week but apparently I can’t even have that! Why do these boys live to ruin my life.

“What do you want Louis.” I sat up, taking my other earphone out of my ear.

“Nothing much really. Just enjoying the scenery on a lovely day like today, doing some shopping, planning on how to teach you a lesson.” I almost choked on my saliva. “The usual.” I looked to see a huge smirk on his face. I hope that one day someone slaps that disgusting look off his face. And hopefully I will be the one to do it.

“Well I’m kind of busy here so can you go plot your evil schemes somewhere else.” He just laughed his dreadful laugh.

“Oh nerd, when will you ever learn that being disrespectful to any of us doesn’t help you in any way.” I thought to myself for a moment. It never does help me in anyway.. Oh well, still not going down without a fight.

“And when will you ever learn that being a brainless toad will get you nowhere in life.” I spat while he glared at me.

“Get up.” He demanded, standing up in front of me.


Get. Up.” He gritted through his teeth. The option of whether to make him angrier or just obey him wanders through my mind.

“You didn’t say please.” I smirked.

“And I’m not going to, so get up before I make you.” I might call his bluff. There are way too many people and young children around so he wouldn’t try to pull anything on me. I shook my head no when he smirked and yanked me up off the ground. “Think about screaming or bringing any attention to us and I’ll make sure that you would rather choose death as an option than to go through what I will do to you.” I shivered at the thought when he put his arm around my waist. I feel like I’m going to be sick. Being held this close to him is nauseating.

I didn’t move an inch when his grip around my waist tightened by an immense amount causing me to gasp in pain.

“Start walking.” He growled in my ear. I did as I was told and started walking. The people around us probably think we’re some sort of couple but little do they know that I’m being forced and having his filthy hands dig into my hip causing it to throb in pain. Stupid Louis.

I never understood how people can say that they’re in “love” with their bully or that they’ve fallen in love with them. If one specific person or multiple people have been torturing you for who knows how long, making your hatred for them grow more and more, how on earth could you possibly love them? I couldn’t even think to imagine being in love with one of my bullies, just the thought makes me sick. And no, i’m not that stereotypical girl who says that then suddenly falls in love with one of her bullies. That’s ridiculous. I’ll be damned if i fall for one of those soon to be serial killers.

That’s just like saying i’m going to fall in love with a serial killer rapist that just escaped from prison and ride off happily into the sunset with him. It’s insanity. Or maybe that’s just me. Who knows. But one thing i do know is that i will not be falling in love with one of my bullies.

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