Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17.

*Winter's thoughts/pov*

Marcel and I arrived at Zayn's house. Flashing lights, music blaring, teenagers everywhere.. This sure looks like a party. I hopped out of Marcel's car and shut the door. I looked over the roof of his car at him and smiled nervously. I don't want to be here. I don't know what possessed Marcel to say yes but it was a bad idea. I can feel it. Lord knows what could happen with us being here!

"Are you ready?" I looked beside me at Marcel who was standing there adjusting his glasses. He actually went for a casual look tonight! He's wearing a pair of jeans with a plain white shirt. He still has his hair all neat and his glasses on. Good. I like him that way. I just went with a casual look too. I considered wearing a dress but I don't want to be here so I decided against it. I'm just wearing a pair of ripped jeans with a GunsNRoses shirt and a pair of combat boots. As you can see I went for more of a punk look tonight. For something different.


"We can go home if you like?" He offered.

"No, it's fine. Let's just get this over with yeah?" I smiled up at him and he took his hand in mine.

"I don't want to lose you now do I?" He smiled and I grinned up at him. We started making our way towards the front door, the music getting louder and louder. I took a deep breath before we walked through the doors.

Teens are everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Some of these people I have never even seen around school, or anywhere for that matter.. My grip on Marcel's hand slightly tightened as we made our way through the crowded house and ended up at the kitchen. The memory of when Zayn's mum gave me cookies immediately came to mind. Along with the memory of his dad.. I shrugged it off and looked up at Marcel.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked me.

"You drink?" I stared at him in shock and he laughed.

"Never! I just meant of water or something?" I shook my head no while he smiled in return.

"Aren't you going to have something to drink?" He shook his head. "So you walked us all the way here just so you could offer me a drink?" He nodded and I laughed. "Only you Marcel, only you." We started making our way to other parts of the house.



"Marcel! Hey bro! What's going on?" Harry stumbled up to Marcel and I, a drink in his hand. Mine and Marcel's grips on each others hands tightened.

"Um, do I know you?" Marcel looked at him with a slight frown.

"What do you mean? Of course you know me! I'm your bro!"

"I've never met you before.. You must have me confused with someone else." Marcel started to turn away with me in tow until Harry said something that made both of us stop dead in our tracks.

"Don't know me? Your my twin brotherrrrrr." He dragged, the alcohol showing in his voice.

"I think your mistaken." Marcel started walking away and I would have shrugged it off until I realised something. The resemblance. When Marcel first moved here I thought he looked familiar! He has the same facial structure and the exact same teeth as Harry! He moved here to live with his mum and BROTHER.. Brother meaning Harry. Harry is Marcel's twin brother! How did I not realise this sooner?!

I stopped walking and pulled my hand out of Marcel's. He stopped and looked at me confused.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The confused look never left his face. I decided to go somewhere quieter to discuss this without the drunken teens and blaring music surrounding me. I grabbed his wrist and walked with him out towards Zayn's little house thing and stood on the deck looking at him. I opened the door which was for Zayn's bedroom and sat down on the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me that Harry was your brother?" He sighed.

"I'm not going to bother lying to you so I'll just tell you the truth. I didn't want you to know because I thought you would think differently of me. Harry is one of your bullies. You probably think I'm exactly like him." He looked down.

"Marcel I already know that your nothing like him!" I sighed.

"Do you hate me now?" He adjusted his glasses, looking at me with a sad expression.

"No! Of course not! Sure, I wish you would have told me but I guess if you didn't want to, that was your choice."

"Are you mad at me?"

"No. I don't know if I could ever be mad at you." He smiled causing me to smile back as he sat down next to me on the bed.

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