Chapter 12: "One Day"

Start from the beginning

"No. I wouldn't."

"Hmm. Good, killing you would only complicate my plans and I rather not take the time to bury you," responded my dad towards my lie which he didn't see through, as he walked on over to the right side. "I'll be joining your sister: I do hope you don't leave the office or interfere in any way, especially on her birthday. I'll head back when I drop off Elizabeth back at my house. Take care." My father let out his wicked smile as a parting gift before finally walking out of the room, leaving me alone once again, only this time with something to do instead of waiting to perform his desires. Yet his power was felt watching over me, ensuring I wouldn't disobey his orders. 

And the only comfort I had was being able to see Elizabeth, regardless if fate would decide whether I would see her again or not. 

At least I was gifted something out of all this so far.

Every movement she enacted, spoke in joy, and expression her face formed was observed carefully. It would sound creepy or even something a stalker would do, but I just needed to be able to remember her face and the way she was if I were to be separated from her forever. 

She was the only family I had left. 

I still could picture out how mom was and describe her personality perfectly: Beautiful, always cared for me and Elizabeth, and had a unique mindset; she was unlike any other mother I knew. My father would always go on the same story about how they met over-and-over like a daily chore, almost like it was an obligation to remind us. Or perhaps how much she meant to him, though that sense of thinking has changed now that she is gone. If she was really something to his life than she would still be here, but just thinking about that provided flaws in how my father treated her. I never sensed any hint of aggression or unwarranted feelings from father to be directed at my mother, and while they did had arguments pertaining to certain topics about his job it still couldn't directly spark my mother's demise. 

There was something more to her death than what I was lead to believe.

My focus was reinstated from all the children leaving the party room where Elizabeth's birthday was taking place: She and the animatronic, Circus Baby, were the only one's left in the room. I had gotten a feel for the animatronic before this, as my dad took the pleasure of exemplifying and bragging about his unheard genius and thinking for making creations beyond anything we could even begin to understand. 

This animatronic definitely qualified for something he would personally oversee and form.  

Not all the credit was his, as I did make earlier designs and sketches for this animatronic along with a couple others I'm sure he would create as well in the future. This animatronic being based on a human, rather than animals, was a unique change with the basic format, though at least robot animals seemed less creepy and tolerable. Just thinking it was based off a baby, whence its name, caused some disturbance with how I viewed it, and more so that the idea was mine. It was obvious, knowing my father, that he had probably programmed the animatronic to kill since he had already done the same with Fredbear and Springbonnie. The second Freddy Fazbear's was to open soon as well, meaning others would suffer from my hands and at the command of my father; that's all these pizzeria's were designed for.

It wouldn't be long until this location would be shut down for whatever incident to occur.

On the cam that was focused on the room with the animatronic and Elizabeth, I noticed how she was directly in front of it as her claw extended out while holding freshly made ice cream. Her feature she had, which allowed her to make ice cream from components stored in her was truly brilliant in how it functioned and was used, though that was all you would expect and be given as a result with my dad. All of sudden, the claw holding the ice cream released as it fell and splattered on the floor with the cone breaking between the animatronic and Elizabeth, and she seemed to have the same amount of confusion by looking down at the ice cream on the floor. This was odd for it to happened; it could've just been a bug with the programming but my father never made a mistake with his creations when they were finished and would seem uncharacteristic of him if he missed something. 

The only thing that action showed was how the ice cream on the floor was only a small part of the bigger mess.

In just one moment to another the claw from the animatronic extended in Elizabeth's stomach, as she screamed in pain and from the blood seeping from the giant wound onto the floor. My eyes widened as I stood up from my seat, being limited with nothing but the torture of watching the family thinning once more. The claw retracted back in the animatronic, as Elizabeth fell onto the floor and the pool of blood while gasping for the withering life she had left. I felt tears starting to stream down my cheeks as I looked down in agony, almost just wishing this wasn't real. I had prayed my sister would be unharmed from everything involving me and the franchise and that she would have no part in this, but it felt like god had ignored my request or it was out of his hands at that point. 

Her fate was already decided long ago by my father.

Some of the parents of Elizabeth's friends had noticed the scenario now and the commotion was just starting as I could hear their mourning and shock from just inside the office, as I could barely just see their children from looking back up at the cameras now, all standing in the main room; dazed and confused on what was happening. Once again my father had decided to take the life away of the innocent, only this time it was someone that meant a lot of value to me. To him she was another victim, only she was easier to pray on. All it could take was one day to ruin everything someone had lived and thrived to be, only for a day like this to leave there journey unfinished.

My father had made that one day into fruition.

I was now certain he had no regard for any life or anyone but himself, all for whatever twisted reason which didn't matter to me anymore. It was at the point where I wasn't sure if just the police would be able to stop my father, but I would swear myself that I would at least attempt to stop my father from continuing these heinous acts if there was ever the opportunity or if I escape from his control. If I were to share the same fate as Elizabeth and mom or be incapable of pursuing my father, than I would gladly pass on that task to someone else or at hope for them to finish what I started.

Either way, one day my dad's power would diminish and the lives he had taken, including my mom and sister, would be at ease knowing his presence was silenced forever.

That day was one of the few things keeping me stable at this point, though it couldn't hide the scars in my heart from all that I had lost.

I had lost my family, and the only things I had left to lose was my hope and myself; one of them was already reforming into the same poison inflicted upon me.

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