Chapter 38

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•November 22, 2015•

Harry's P.O.V

I am minutes away from marrying the girl of my dreams. Words cannot express the feeling I am feeling right this very moment. I have waited a long time to be able to call Chanelle 'Mrs. Styles' and today is that day.

All the boys are here helping me get ready except for Zayn who said he needed to go do something. I never thought I would be in this tuxedo about to walk down the aisle and wait for my bride to be.

"The player has put his cards in the box and packed them away. Are you ready Haz?" Niall asks nudging my shouder as I adjust my bow tie in the mirror.

"Hell yeah I am. I have to admit I am extremely nervous..." I say truthfully.

"Your going to be fine mate." Louis says and buttons his sleeves.

I look one last time in the mirror before I decide to start making my way to the cermony venue.

This is it.

Chanelle's P.O.V

Butterflies are fluttering all throughout my stomach. I feel like having a nervous breakdown, but I have to try and remain calm. I will be marrying my true love in just a matter of moments. There is a knock at the door and I rush over opening it to reveal Zayn.

"Hey, you look gorgeous! I just wanted to stop by before the ceremony to have a word with you." Zayn says. I give all my girls the look and they walk away giving Zayn and I moment.

"Who would have thought you could pull off a bow tie?" I say jokingly.

"I can pull off anything." He says and I laugh.

"I wanted to say that Harry is a lucky young man. I am very happy for you two and just felt the need to speak with you one last time before the wedding. I love you Chanelle, not in that way but as a sister. I will always be here for you when you need a shoulder to cry on or need advice. I only wish you and Harry the best and hope that you two can live a life full of romance and true love. Good luck." Zayn says hugging me. Before I speak I walk over to where a small table is, where I have a small box. I pick up the small black box and hand it to Zayn. He looks at me confused before opening it. He pulls the necklace out that he gave me, 'Zayns Girl'.

"I love you as a brother as well and just felt that giving you the necklace back was the right thing to do. I am so thankful that you approve of Harry and I. I wish that you and Perrie get to have a wonderful life together. I love you." I say and he kisses my cheek before smiling at me and waving goodbye as he walks to where he is needed.

The girls walk back over to me and I see my father walking closer to me.

"My baby girl isn't a baby anymore." He says with tears filling his eyes.

"Please don't cry dad, I will always be your little girl." I say and hug him tightly. I am so thankful for my dad.

"Well we do not want to keep the guest waiting." My father says interlocking his arm with mine. My mother hands me my boutique made out of white roses and tiffany blue accents.

I look at my pure lace dress one last time before walking in sync with my fathers footsteps. The bridesmaids line up with the groomsmen and begin to walk down the aisle placed outside in the middle of a beautiful scenery by a calm lake.

As Perrie and Zayn reach the end of the aisle it reveals a handsome Harry waiting for my presence.

This is it.

Harry's P.O.V

My eyes land on a very beautiful Chanelle. Her white lace dress fits her body perfectly and her hair cascades down her shoulders effortlessly. I think I have have done the impossible and have fallen even more in love with her.

Her eyes sparkle with love as they meet with mine. Everything and everyone else disappear in this short moment as she makes her way down the aisle to the soft music playing in the background. She smiles as I mouth 'I love you', she blushes and her eyes look to the ground momentarily.

She is now in front of me hugging her father and he smiles at me before releasing her.

"Take good care of her Harold." He says and walks to stand by his wife.

Chanelle and I stand before the preacher and I make googily eyes at her and she giggles and shakes her head.

The preacher is saying the old boring stuff, Chanelle and I just look at each other just waiting for that moment where we can be called husband and wife.

"Would the ring bear please walk closer and hand the first ring to Harry." The preacher says and Perrie helps Chase walk with the rings. Chase hands me Chanelles ring.

"Harry can you please say your vows." The preacher says and I clear my throat.

"I Harry Styles take you Chanelle Rose to be not only my beautiful wife, but to be my soulmate. From the very first glance I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You were a battle to win from the beginning but in the end you were a victory. I am truly, madly, and deeply in love with you. We are a long way from the playground, and not even the gods above can seperate the two of us. Nothing can come between you and I. I love you and you will forever own my heart. " I finish and Chanelles eyes glisten with tears.

I slide the diamond ring onto her finger and she wipes her eyes.

"Chanelle will you please take this ring and say your vow to Harry." He says.

"I Chanelle Rose take you Harry Styles to be my Best friend, my one true love, and Husband. I love you for not only what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I promise to cherish every moment that I share with you. I will always make time for us and be spontaneous when it comes to going on an adventure with you in this crazy thing we call life. I can not wait to start the rest of my life with you. I love you." Chanelle finishes and slides the ring onto my ring finger. I wink and her and she smiles.

"It is my pleasure to pronounce to you Mr. and Mrs. Styles, you may kiss your bride." The preacher finishes and I do not waste any time. I grab each side of Chanelles face and pull her face to mine. My lips kiss her perfect soft ones as I seal my promise. We both pull away and smile at one another.

"I love you Mrs. Styles!" I say and take a hold of her hand.

"I love you my handsome husband, Mr. Styles." She says and kisses my lips one last time before we make our way down the aisle.

I am absolute in love with my wife.


1 chapter left!!!

Well better start writing lol

Love, loove, looove, you all!


-stevee xx

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