Chapter 33

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•One Month Later•

Chanelle's P.O.V

A lot of things can happen in a months time. I have moved into a small apartment close to my parents house, Zayn moved in with Perrie, and we sold the house. I have been looking for a job but no places are hiring. I have also been keeping in touch with Perrie and Chase. Chase has been over a couple times since I moved into my apartment. My mother tells me I need to keep busy, but what is there to do. I am just happy I have not been moping around lately, I have been trying to get my place just the way I want it.

I am currently debating whether or not I should go out tonight or just stay in and watch movies. Movies sound like the best choice. I stand up from my couch and walk into the hallway where I have cabinets full of blankets. I grab my white soft one and three pillows due to the fact that I will probably fall asleep.

I do not have any really good movies so I am just resorting to the movies on t.v. I go through the t.v guide and see 'The Dorm' starts at six and it is 5:47 right now so I watch the last couple minutes of 'Jeepers Creepers'. I probably should not be watching scary movies by myself but oh well.

I cover myself with my blanket and get comfotable. The moive comes on, the first twenty seconds are already scary.

Right when the actual movie starts there is a knock at the door. I remove my blanket and walk up to the door, I open it to reveal Harry.

"Hey!" I say with a smile on my face, I open the door more to allow him in. He takes a seat on the couch and looks at the television.

"The Dorm' really?" He says while chuckling.

"It is the only scary movie on." I say through laughter.

"So what brings you by?" I ask taking a seat next to him.

"I can't just come visit without there being a reason why?" He says in a fake offended tone.

"You know you can, I was just wandering." I say and he smiles.

Harry's eyes wander around my apartment taking everything in. His eyes land on a picture of Blane one of the shelves I have hanging on a wall.

"I sure do miss her..." He says quietly and I nod my head agreeing with him.

"Trust me, I do to." I say and sigh.

"Why don't you stay and watch movies with me?" I ask hoping his answer is yes. He takes a moment before he finally replies.

"I guess I can stay for a little bit if you insist." Harry says while poking my cheek, I roll my eyes and cover up with the blanket and over him the other half and he happily accepts.

For a good thirty minutes there is no talking, no eye contact, just plain comfortable slience. I love moments like these, so calm and peaceful...besides the fact a scary movie in the background of course.

I look up at Harry as soon as a commercial break comes on. His eyes meet with mine and there's something special behind those beautiful emerald green eyes of his.

"What?" He says while smirking, I shake my head and focus my attention back onto the screen. From the moment I met Harry I knew something was going to happen, non of which had happened over the past year and a half. Looking back from where we were and where we are now fascinates me. Ever since I was a young little girl, I had my whole life planned out. I guess my plan took a detour, but sometimes changing plans have a better outcome. All I wanted to be was successful, I never thought about having a happy adventurous life until Harry came into my life.

"Do you really wanna know why I stopped by tonight?" Harry asks and I shake my head calmly not taking my eyes off the screen.

"I wanted to say I love you." He says, I look up at him and open my mouth to speak but he stops me.

"No, wait let me explain some things first. When you first were with Zayn it completely made me furious, not to mention seeing you two together. I longed for you to be mine the second I kicked you out that one night...which I terribly regret doing. I should have treated you like you were my world, not just another fling. I have never felt this way about any other girl before I met you...sounds cheesy I know. You changed me Nelle, you made me into the person I am now. I tried to snatch every opportunity I could to be with you but then I finally came to terms that you were Zayn's at the moment. Now that you and Zayn have ended things I want you to give me one last chance on making you mine." Harry finishes. There is no doubt that I have major feelings for Harry. For some reason I throw the thought of being cautious into the back of my head and go with my heart.

'There's a difference between who we love, who we settle with, and who we we're meant for'. Clearly I know I am meant to be with Harry. If I wasn't, things would be so different right now.

"Great, I knew you did not feel the same way." Harry says getting ready to stand up. I grab his wrist urgently and pull his face twoards mine.

I collide my lips with his not wasting a second. I have missed the feeling of his luscious lips on mine. Nothing matters to me at the moment, all things that happend in the past are there for a reason. It is time for a new beginning and there's no one better to start one with then Harry. His tongue wrestles with mine and rightfully takes control. My legs find their way to each sides of his lap to where I am now straddling him. This moment is nothing but pure perfection.

Harry pulls back from the kiss leaving us both breathless.

"I love you Chanelle Rose."

"I love you Harry Edward Styles." I say and leave a peck on his lips before wrapping my arms around his neck. I am finally happy for once in my life again.


100 years later! Sorry for the long wait and crappy chapter (writers block is the worst!!!)

I will try and update sooner next time!

Love you all!


-stevee xx

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