Chapter 12

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•Doctors office

Chanelle's P.O.V

I get called into Dr. Walsh's office and I take a seat. He has a folder with all kinds of papers stacked on top of it.

"Ms. Rose I called you in today because we have a solution to get rid of Blane's tumor that holds the cancer." He explains.

"Surgery." He adds.

I don't really know what to think about this idea.

"What kind of surgery are we talking about?" I ask. Blane could become cancer free!

"We would go in and create an incision above the rib cage. That away we could get right to the source of the tumor. She is quite in a early stage, but this would prevent any further spreading." He explains.

"That's all? She would be free of cancer?" I ask. My heart is racing. My baby wouldn't have to suffer.

"Well, there is a possibility of... Death. This procedure isn't 100% positive. There would still be a chance of Blane not fully cured and the cancer could even come back stronger. That's the risk." Dr. Walsh finishes.

I am willing to take the risk?

What if this was the answers to my prayers?

"When can we schedule an appointment?" I ask. He nods his head looking over a few papers.

"You don't want to discuss this with her father first?" He asks raising his eyebrow.

"Nope. I think it's my responsibility to take full initiative." I reply.

"Ok if you say so Ms. Rose. On your way out stop by the front desk and they will give you all the information." He says and we both stand up walking towards the door.

I say thank you and walk up to the appointment desk.

"Blane. Blane Styles correct?" The receptionist asks. I nod my head in agreement.

"We have a opening for next Wednesday. Is that convenient?" She asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Okay. You have to be here at 6 a.m. The night before she can't have any food or liquids after 12 a.m. See you then." She says handing me a appointment card and documents I have to sign and bring back.

I walk out the doctors office, it's a little after two. I might as well go pick up Blane.

Harry's P.O.V

Blane woke up crying hysterically. I rush to her crib and pick her up placing her in my arms.

I rub her back in soothing circles to try and calm her down.

I pace back and forth in my room.

She soon stops and just stares up at me. Her eyes pierce through me. I can't express just how much I love my daughter.

I would do anything for her. Absolute anything.

"Harry... Chanelle's here." My mum says entering my room.

"She wasn't suppose to get her until 5." I say.

"Well she's here now." She tells me while exiting.

I sigh and walk downstairs to see Chanelle sitting down on the sofa.

"You weren't suppose to come until 5." I say sitting across from her on the couch.

"Yea but I needed to come talk to you." She says.

"Ok..." I say.

"I was out with one of my friends, Perrie, and I got a call from Dr. Walsh. He wanted me to come in right then, so I did." Chanelle explains.

Angel Wings • Sequel to Goody Two ShoesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang