Chapter 31

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Chanelle's P.O.V

Four days. It has been four long miserable days since I left the funeral. I have been tempted to call Harry and have him come over to keep me company, but I haven't. Zayn has not been home at all, he has not even called letting me know what is going on.

I have spent the past few days glued to the bed and covered with blankets or crying my eyes out on the couch downstairs hoping Zayn would walk in and comfort me. I am seriously pissed off at him and really wish he could open his eyes and realize what kind of state of mind I am in.

I throw back the comforter that was covering my body, and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I begin to walk downstairs. I make my way over to the couch and turn the television on. I flip through the channels to find nothing but stupid shows on. I have not called or answered my phone over the past couple of days, as I have been distancing myself from a lot of people, not just friends but family to.

The doorknob begins to turn and in walks Zayn. He does not even acknowledge my presence, instead he walks into the kitchen not saying a single word. I stand up from the couch and my feet pad their way into the kitchen.

I go to give Zayn a hug with warm open arms but he pushes them away and looks in the fridge.

"What is your problem?" I ask in a offended tone.

"I do not have a problem." He mutters and grabs a soda and slams the refridgator door shut.

"Clearly you do." I say gesturing to his last action.

"Where have you been for the past week?" I ask with annoyance in my voice.

"If you must know...I was out f.ucking some random girls and spending my nights at the bar trying to find a new girl to fool around with." He says.

"You can't be serious right now!?!" I say while letting out a angry chuckle.

"Oh I am dead serious." He says sending me an evil smirk.

"So you were out f.ucking random b.itches while I was home crying my eyes out due to the fact that I have just lost my daughter?" I say raising my voice.

"You know life goes on..." He says as if it is obvious.

"Go to hell." I say before rushing out of the kitchen and begin up the stairs.

I hear his footsteps in the living room, they come to a stop just as he reaches the front door.

"I'm going out, don't know when I will be back." He yells.

"Going out to f.uck my b.itches?" I say.

"Yep." He replies before I here the front door slam shut, what has my life come to?

I sit on one of the stairsteps and tears begins to willow out of my eyes effortlessly. I feel so alone in this world right now. My life has had nothing but misery over the past couple months.I do not have anyone to run to or count on. Everyone has their own life and this just happens to be mine.

I wipe my tears before leaning my head against the stairway looking down into the living room. Living in this large house sure does have an eerie feeling at times like this.

I really hope this nightmare ends soon.

Harry's P.O.V

The cool breeze of october hits my face as I walk the lanes of the cemetary. I finally forced myself out of the walls sheltering me from the painful place called the real world.

I walk down a countless number of rows in search of Blane's headstone. I come upon the pond in which Blane's headstone lies. I walk up and see the beautiful picture of my babygirl that no doubt resembled Chanelle and I so well.

A tear falls from my eyes without any warning, I close my eyes and take a deep breath in before I begin speaking.

"I sure do miss you baby, I don't really know how your mum is doing. I feel so lifeless, when your soul left this planet, I felt as if mine did to. This world carries so much darkness without, you were my only escape besides your lovely mother. I hope that one day I can see what the good of this outcome is. Nothing can stay the same and I know that but I just wish you could have stayed longer to experience what this world had to offer. I could tell you would have been successful just like your mum and charming just like me..." I let out a light laugh. "I am thankful you do not have to suffer anymore. You were taken far to early but everything happens for a reason. I know I say this all the time but your presence will never leave my heart. There will be many more visits, but til then I love you baby." I say before kneeling down and kissing my fingers and placing them on Blane's cheek in the picture.

I rise up and look up at the cloudy sky one last time before I pace away. My feet travel slow as I am in no hurry to get home. I am tempted to swing by Chanelle's place but I don't know how she would feel about that. I just hope Zayn is there comforting her and being by her side.

My mum keeps telling me that my life is going to get better and that she believes Chanelle and I will be together in no time. She said that in this moment we both need each other. She's right, I need Chanelle in my life.


Short I know.

I have been going through a lot lately and really haven't been able to update. I hope you guys understand.

The story is nearing it's end.

I love you all so much!


-stevee xx

Angel Wings • Sequel to Goody Two ShoesWhere stories live. Discover now