Chapter 3

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Zayn's P.O.V

Harry makes me so fucking irritated. I think it's best that I don't go back home for a few days. I can just stay at Joseph's place.

I decided to just walk to his house. It's awfully close to school so it might take me a little while to get there, but maybe the walk will help burn off steam.

The cold wind is nipping at my skin. It's pitch black and the only light I have is the little glow from the lamp posts.

I pick up my pace and start jogging at a very slow pace.

I think Harry moving in was just one big mistake. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to get her pregnant again.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and take it out.

*1 new text message*

I just ignore it and turn my phone off and slip it back in my pocket.

I arrive at Joseph's apartment step. I walk up the step and knock on the door. I take a step back and take in my surroundings.

Joseph opens the door and looks high and looks as if he could fall over at any time.

I take a deep breath in and wonder if I should stay or just turn around and walk back home.

"Aye bro do you think I could crash here for a while?" I ask shrugging my shoulders.

"Ya. Did the chick kick you out?" Jospeh asks and I shake my head.

"No. Harry and I got into an argument and I think I just need to get some space from everyone." I reply and he backs away and he gestures for me to come in.

I take slow steps and walk into the main room and take a seat on the couch. The coffee table is covered with weed ready to be placed in blunts. I inhale the delightful smell.

"Mind sharing?" I ask and he shakes his head. He rubs his fingers together indicating he wants some money. I pull a couple bucks out if my pocket and hand it over to him.

I pick up my exit from the world and light it with the lighter on the table.

I place the blunt on my lips and inhale in. I let the smoke sit on my mouth. The smoke fills the roof of my mouth.

I blow the smoke out and quickly inhale another.

Time to forget about everything.

Harry's P.O.V

I feel bad for making Chanelle upset with me but I couldn't stand being in a house knowing that they would be making lov- fucking each other. I know I should have moved on but my feelings are just to strong.

I would think that since we have a baby together, she would be the type of girl to want to be together for the "child's sake" but she's not.

I don't know what she see's in that cuntbag. He's not all that special.

A door creaks, interrupting my thoughts and I hear footsteps down the hall.

I sit up from my bed and walk over to the door way. I crack my door open and see Chanelle walking down the stairs wrapped up in a blanket.

I follow but make sure she doesn't know my presence. I wait until she strides all the way down the stairs. I then walk and see her unlocking the backdoor leading to the backyard.

She walks out and leaves the door open. I see her walk out to the far end of the yard where the hammock is. She lays her body down and recovers herself.

I see her lift her head and gaze up at the stars.

I take this moment to walk out and over to where she is.

"Mind if I lay down with you." I ask scratching my neck. The weather is seriously so cold right now.

"I really don't think that is a good idea..." She says and trails off.

"Come on. Just as a friendly cuddle." I say and she rolls her eyes and lifts up the blanket and I lay next to her. So close.

I feel her body stiffen. I run my fingers through her hair and I can feel her ease up.

"I'm sorry but not sorry all at the same time." I whisper and she looks up at me.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I'm sorry for making you upset but I'm not sorry for what I said to Zayn and that I interrupted your little session." I explain and she nods her head.

"I wish you guys could get along at least for a month with out arguing and fighting." She says and lifts her hands up.

"I.. will........ Try for you I guess." I say and she gives me a slight smile and I return one back to her.

"Thanks." She says and pokes my nose and ruffles my hair. I chuckle and she giggles. That sound right there makes my world light up.







~stevee ^•*

Angel Wings • Sequel to Goody Two ShoesWhere stories live. Discover now