Chapter 17

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•Late Friday morning•

Chanelle's P.O.V

"Where are you going?" I ask as Zayn is about to walk out the door. He stops and turns around.

"Harry and I are gonna go hang out with the boys, I'll  be back in time for our date." He says and pecks my cheek.

"Have fun!" I yell as he shuts the door. I'm really happy the boys patched things up, hell I'm glad Harry and I are friends.

Looks like I'm gonna be home all by myself. My mother came and got Blane early this morning after my father had left for his business trip. He probably wouldn't have allowed Blane to stay there if he was going to be home.

I decided that since my mom has been bugging me lately to see Blane to just let her babysit instead of Harry.

Everythings ok with Harry and I, I just wish my father and I could go back to normal. My mother was able to forgive me and get past all the negative things why can't he. He can be so stuck up, I guess that's where I get it from.

Harry's P.O.V

I'm glad the gang can finally hang out again. After everything happened with Chanelle, Zayn, and other random shit... our group hasn't really hung out.

"I actually missed all you shit faces." I say approaching Niall, Kenny, and Joseph. We make small talk and soon Louis joins us.

As  people walk by Louis and Joseph make their typical rude remarks which honestly don't make sense half the time.

Zayn walks up and our group is complete. It's surprising to me that it doesn't feel awkward after being separated for so long.

"Why don't we walk to the ally?" Niall suggest. We all start to walk. Three walking in front, and three walking in the back.

Niall, Kenny, and Joseph walk in the front, while Louis, Zayn, and I walk in the back.

"So you mind if I tap your ex?" Louis asks Zayn.

"Why are you asking me?" Zayn asks.

"Because I just thought that maybe you still had feelings  for her." Louis said.

"I'm with Chanelle." He snaps back.

"That don't mean shit. You can still have feelings for someone even if your not together." Louis replies.

"I mean look at Harry, you can so tell he is in love with Chanelle and deep down inside she is to." I look away from the two as I feel Zayn laying his eyes on me.

"Harry and I are cool and I know Chanelle don't feel that way about Harry. No offense." Zayn says.

"Can we just stop talking about this." I say and they nod thier heads. We get to the ally but some other group are already there.

"This is our turf." I say as the leader. They turn to look at us.

"The fuck you gonna do about it." A medium hieght guy steps up. I'm towering over him.

"Don't shoot them yet Zayn." I say and the dude backs away and says something to his group before walking away.

"What whimps. They could have at least fought us to stay." Niall says.

"Whatever at least they left." I say leaning against the fence.

"So you plan on tying down anytime soon?" Niall asks Zayn. He srunches up his face.

"I don't know...I mean I love her and all but I don't really wanna get serious yet. I'm gonna wait awhile before I ask her to marry me." He replies.

"Bro, you better do it soon before someone snatches her and you lose her." Louis says. I look away and stare off into space. At least she's happy. Happy.

Chanelle's P.O.V

I've finished a whole tube of ice cream and re-watched 'Orange is the New Black' for like the millionth time. It's around four and Zayn said we would go out around six so I might as well get ready.

I stand up from the couch and make my way up to the bedroom. I turn on the shower then adjust the nozzle to the right temperature. I remove my pj's off my body and step into the shower letting the steaming hot water relax my body.

My hair is curled, make-up is done, and I have on my favorite black romper on.

I am currently sitting outside on the front steps waiting for Zayn. There's a nice summer breeze that blows through my hair.

I fiddle with my thumbs until I hear footsteps and Zayn walks up, when he sees me he smiles.

"Let me just go change my shirt then we can go." He says before entering the house.

It doesn't take long until the front door opens and out steps Zayn. He takes a hold of my hand and we start walking.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I thought that we could walk to that pizzeria across from the fountain." He says.

"Sounds nice." I say with a smile. He leans down and kisses my forehead and then whispers, " I'm in the mood for pizza, a pizza you." He says and I burst into laughter.

"Your cheesy." I say poking his cheek and we both almost fall over into a hysterical fit.

We walk through our neighborhood in a comfortable silence. I've noticed I haven't really talked to any of the neighbors here except a occasional 'Hi' when I get the mail. I should really get out more.

Once we turn the corner we come across the big water fountain and all kinds of shops and food places. We go directly to the pizza place and take our seats.

"What kind of pizza should we get?" I ask.

"What about...ahh a Mediterranean pizza?" Zayn suggest. I nod my head and close the menu. A young boy comes to take our order.

"Can I get you guys started off with some drinks?" He asks.

"I'll have a Dr. Pepper..." I say handing him  my menu.

"And I'll have a Lemon-Lime soda." Zayn says as he hands him his menu as well.

"We also are ready to order." He says.

"Ok what would you like?" The waiter asks.

"A medium Mediterranean pizza." Zayn replies and with that the waiter is off with our order.

We don't really conversant, we just sit there staring at each other. Zayn wiggles his eyebrows which causes me to giggle.

The waiter comes with our drinks along with our pizza.

"It looks scrumptious." I say and Zayn smirks.

"Not as good as you." He says and winks.

"Save it for later Malik." I say. He nods his head.

I was about to reach for a piece of pizza before Zayn stops me.

"Before you start eating, I have something very important to ask you..." He says while getting on one knee.


Aha you probably already know what he's gonna ask... but whatever lol.


Love you all!

Bye loves!!!!

-stevee xx

Angel Wings • Sequel to Goody Two ShoesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt