Chapter 28

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•Later that night•

Chanelle's P.O.V

It's around eleven o'clock at night and I still haven't heard from Zayn. I figure he just decided to take Chase home. My mom got here at the hospital around eight. Ali is sitting down watching t.v looking as if she could fall asleep at any moment. One of the nurses walked in to check on Blane and her heart rate is slowly decreasing by the hour. Harry is currently holding her. I discussed some things with my mother earlier and she told me that she had a really strong feeling that tonight isn't going to end well. Harry called his mum but she hasn't answered any of his calls so Harry just left a message.

"Mom, I have a pink plush blanket out in my you mind running out and getting it?" I ask and I hand her my keys.

I look at Harry and Blane. He looks down at her with so much love. His eyes rise up from looking at Blane and meet with mine.

"I don't want to let go of her." Harry whispers. I nod my head and waltz over to him. I rest my chin on his shoulder and pier down at Blane. She looks so peaceful but you can barely see any life left in that tiny body.

I really don't know how I am going to handle what is going to happen. Everything is going change for sure. I'll leave this hospital empty handed and go home to a lifeless baby room. Maybe this is my punishment for getting pregnant so young.

My mom walks back in the room with the blanket in hand. She gives it to me and I lay it across my arm and take Blane from Harry. I cover Blane's still breathing body and begin to sway back and forth.

"Mom, Ali if you would like to say your goodbyes now you can. After you guys do, Harry and I would like some alone time to do the same." I say trying to not let my voice break.

Ali stands up from the chair she was sitting in and walks over to me to go first. She places Blane in her arms and kisses her forehead.

"I still remember the day you were born and how I teased your daddy about how your mommy was the only reason you were beautiful," She chuckles and I see her tearing up. "Just by you entering this world, you made everyone else's lives better. I'll never forget you." Ali finishes. She kisses her cheek before handing her over to my mother. She walks out of the room and I assume waits in the hallway.

"You'll always be my favorite granddaughter. All those times I watched you, the first time I got to hold you in the hospital I knew you would bring something special into your mommy's life. You succeeded. Even though you had a very grumpy grandpa I'm sure glad he got to meet you. We will ways keep a special place in our hearts for you. Just because your tiny doesn't mean you didn't change everyone's life. When your up in heaven make sure to keep an eye on mommy you know how she is," My mom says while laughing/crying at the same time. "You know what they say, the ones you love the most are often the ones who are taken from you. I love you and I'm so glad you got to be part of my life." She finishes by kissing her cheek and handing Blane to Harry. I hug my mom and let her sob into my shoulder.

She hugs my tightly before pulling away and exiting the room.

Harry is already talking to Blane. I see she has her eyes open, barely open.

"If someone had told me a two years ago that I would be a father to a beautiful baby girl, I would have told them they were crazy. You look so much like mommy...gorgeous! You've brought so much happiness to my life. Without you I would still be the cold hearted prick I was before you were born. You've changed me for the best. When you would wake up in the middle of the night crying and I would come to your rescue, I could see a little bit of heaven through your precious eyes. You have given me a new insight about life. I love you so much you will never know. You may leave this earth but you will never leave my heart." Harry is in full on tears. They flow from his eyes just like a rainy day. He kisses her forehead three times before handing her to me.

I take a deep breath in before I decide to speak.

"My babygirl. You will never realize just how much I love you. Once I became a mom I knew I had a purpose in this world. I had to protect you, be your voice, and your superhero. I looked forward to bed time because I knew that that was just you and me time. The way you look at me makes my heart glow. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would be doing with my life. You and me have came a long way these past couple months. Your the reason I try and stay strong. You've opened my heart and made me see the world differently. I love you and it know that I won't ever be able to stop thinking about you. Nothing is stronger then a mothers love. Even though your so small and just a bay, you've been my best friend." I say through tears.

"I love you Blane Tatum Styles." I place my lips on her forehead before placing my finger in her weak palm.

Even though she is so weak she still finds strength to grasp onto my finger. I let out a cry as a see her eyes begin to shake close. Her breathing decreases and her grip on my finger loosens.

"I love you." Harry says to Blane.

"I will never forget you baby." I say.

I watch my baby take her last intake of air. Her chest stops rising and falling.

My knees buckle and collapse to the floor. I let out a scream of pain. I can't control the tears coming from my eyes. Harry drops down the floor with me. He calls out for my mom and calls for a nurse.

My whole world stops. I exclude all voices and noises around me as a sit here in the floor holding my daughter that is no longer living.

My body is trembling as a nurse takes Blane from my arms. I cry, and continue to cry. I bring my knees to my chest. I think for a moment before standing up and dashing out of the room.

I run down the halls bumping against nurses and doctors. I cut the corners sharp and sprint down the stairs not bothering to take the elevators.

Yes I knew this day was coming but it never actually hit me that I will never get to hold my baby again.

I jam through the hospital entrance doors and make a b-line out the door. I can't control my feet as they move beneath me.

I run out to the street, avoiding cars, receiving honks from angry drivers.

I don't stop running. I can barely breath but that doesn't stop me.

Before I know it I find myself at the park. I run to the tree where I ran the day Harry and I had that big fight.

Memories flood my mind from every direction. I bring my hands up to the sides of my head and continue to cry.

"Why me! Why did you have to let this happen to me?" I yell out in sobs.

"Please just bring her back and take me instead!" I yell.

I hear a twig move but don't really pay any attention.

I feel warmth from another body by mine. The person soon slides down to the ground beside me. I look up to see Harry in full on tears as well.

He brings me into his arms and we cry together.

"Our Babygirl is gone." I say through the heavy breathing and tears overwhelming my eyes. I feel him nod his head.

•I will carry you with me... until I see you again.•


I'm in tears.


-stevee xx 💋


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