Chapter 10

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Two days later•

Chanelle's P.O.V

Today is the day of Blane's first chemo appointment. We have to go to the main office for the chemo treatment which is on the far upper class side of town. Right by my parents house.

Zayn is taking care of Chase today so he isn't able to come. They don't even have a schedule anymore. Whenever Zayn is available Chase is over.

My mother is at work and I don't expect her to take time off today.

Ali is off doing her own thing so I don't want to be a bother or downer.

My only other option is to call Harry. I can't stand being by myself with him but he is the "father" and is obligated to be there.

I didn't want him driving over to my house so I just told him to meet there.

"I should be home around dinner time...if something pops up I will call you." I tell Zayn who is in the living room.

"Ok. So sorry I can't come with you." He says pouting.

"I know. I understand." I say.

I wave at Chase which makes him smile and blow a kiss.

Of course I pretend to catch it and blow one back.

I shut the door behind me as soon as I am out the door.

I didn't bother carrying Blane in a carrier because I have a extra in the back of my car.

I brought some of her most cozy blankets along with some of her most liked toys.

Incase she were to get hungry I brought some of those squeeze-able fruit smoothie things.

I get Blane situated in her car seat and place a binki in her mouth.

My phone buzzes.

•text from Harry•

From Harry (Blane's "father"):

I'm gonna be a few minutes late.

To Harry (Blane's "father"):

Of course. Don't even bother coming.

Almost instant reply.

From Harry (Blane's "father"):

I will be there just a tad bit late. Calm you mommy tits.

To Harry (Blane's "father"):

Whatever. Don't tell me what to do with my tits.

I place my phone back in my pocket and get into my car.

"Everything's gonna be alright. Just take one breath at a time." I whisper to myself.

I turn the car on, then I put my car in reverse and pull out onto the street.

Maybe everything IS going to be ok in the end.

There might be a chance that I can end up with the perfect family and a happy life.

Harry will be settled with someone.

Zayn and I will be happy.

Chase and Blane will grow up with maybe a chance of me or Perrie having a baby to add into our lives.

Ali and Niall will be married with tons of kids.

My dad's and my relationship will be patched back together.

Life will just be good.

Those are all just dreams though. Hopeless dreams.

I could have prevented all this from happening if I really had tried.

Angel Wings • Sequel to Goody Two ShoesWhere stories live. Discover now