Chapter 9

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Chanelle's P.O.V

I step out the shower and wrap a towel around my body.

I open the door and Zayn isn't present. I walk out and over to my closet.

I search the closet for something comfortable yet suitable for dinner.

I decide on a white lace short sleeved top, grab a pair of my black skinny jeans that are folded on a shelf and slip them on.

Once I'm all dressed all I have to do is my hair and makeup.

I plug in my curling iron and set my makeup out. I grab my hair dryer and also plug that in.


Zayn's P.O.V

Chanelle is getting ready and I'm just waiting for my mum and sisters to arrive.

Blane is still sound asleep up in her room. She'll probably end up staying up late when she does finally wake up.

"Zayn?" I hear Chanelle ask.

"In the kitchen." I reply and hear her footsteps get closer.

"All I need to do is place everything in the oven and get it heated through." She says and starts grabbing the containers filled with food out of the fridge.

"How much food did you prepare?!?" I ask wide eyed when she continues to pull food out.

"I just want to make sure we have enough." Chanelle laughs.

"Turn the oven on to 350' degrees." I obey her order and adjust the oven to the right temperature setting.

She unwraps everything and places them on the oven racks.

"Should I bring Blane down and place her in the pin or leave her up in her room?" Chanelle asks.

"Just let her sleep. When she wakes up, then you can go get her." I explain and give her a kiss on the lips.

"Ok." She runs her fingers through her hair and walks over to our plate cabinet.

"Grab the silverware and bring them over to the table." Chanelle says while beginning to set the main dinning table.

I open the drawer and grab the right amount and walk over to her and hand them to her. She scoffs.

"You have two hands for a reason. Put them to good use." Chanelle says.

"I do put them to good use." I say winking and she hits my arm playfully.

•door bell•

"I'll get it." I say and race over to the door.

I open it and there stand my mum and sisters.

"Oh...I was hoping my future daughter in law would open the door." My mum says.

"Love you to mum. Love you to..." I say and she laughs.

My sisters all hug me at once and I hug them back.

"Where is Chanelle?" Right on que Chanelle walks in the living room.

"You look gorgeous love!" My mum greets her.

"Thank you. You look marvelous yourself Mrs. Malik." Chanelle gives my mother a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Aw yes. I do hope to hear you being called that rather soon now." My mother hits my shoulder and I just let out a chuckle.

"Where's Blane?" Waliyha asks.

"She asleep but should be waking up shortly." Chanelle's tells her and gives her a hug. She then gives the rest of my other sisters hugs and we all make our way to the dinning room.

Angel Wings • Sequel to Goody Two ShoesWhere stories live. Discover now