13. the silver dagger

Start from the beginning

At the last second however, he whips right around and successfully blocks it. "There you are." He grins dangerously. I know the second I peer into his evil eyes, I made the wrong move. Without any warning, he fires a spell at me. I deflect it quickly, remembering everything Malfoy has taught me.

 He fires spell after spell at me, till finally, he disarms me. My wand flies out of the air and lands a few feet away from me. Without any time to grab it, he fires another blast at me. My eyes widen in horror and I throw my hands around my head to protect myself as I clench my eyes shut. When nothing happens I slowly open my eyes and lift my head.

My jaw literally drops. Surrounding me is a clear orb of blue light, acting as a shield and protecting me from the Death Eater in front of me. His expression mirrors my own, his mouth hangs open as he looks at me in shock. I look to my left, at my wand laying on the forest floor, and then look back at Rookwood. My dueling skills have apparently deemed unfit against an experienced killer. I'm really not sure what to do in this instance.

I'm too impulsive for my own good. I really hadn't thought this through obviously. I begin to feel my energy fade. As I protect myself from Rookwood, my energy depletes by the second. The light surrounding me begins to quickly flicker, cutting in and out till it disappears completely and my shoulders drop in defeat.

A terrifying smirk appears on the face of the man before me as he recognizes I am truly vulnerable. I can feel the blood drain from my face as my lower lip trembles. I subconsciously look back to my wand a few feet away from me. "Don't even think about it princess." Rookwood smirks when he sees me look towards my only defense left.

Abruptly, in a swift motion, Rookwood points his wand at me. He does this so quickly I have no time to even process his next move. He casts an Incarcerous spell at me and I immediately fall to the ground as tight ropes appear out of thin air and strain my body. I shriek as the rope tightens around me the more I struggle. "Keep on struggling, they will only get tighter, and tighter." Rookwood laughs.

"You're - a - a fucking psychopath." I stammer through clenched teeth as the rope begins to grow so tight is burns my skin. I stop moving to avoid the ropes enclosing on me anymore. My chest heaves up and down rapidly and my body screams in pain. "Women shouldn't curse." He states matter of factly. "Fuck off." I sneer. He blinks at me in surprise, before a sly smile crosses his face. "You're a dishonor to your family name." He spits.

"Says the only dishonorable one around." Draco Malfoy says coldly from behind Rookwood. I gasp in surprise. "Malfoy!" I cry out desperately. His eyes lock with mine and I gives me a look I can't quite decipher. He looks scared, he looks tired, but mostly he looks mad. He looks insanely mad. 

"Ah, Draco here to save the day again?" Rookwood questions, causing Malfoy to whip his head back in the direction of the Death Eater. "Just shut up already." The blonde boy snarls before rapidly raising his wand and firing the first spell. The two duel, jets of light streaming back and forth, lighting up the surroundings. It lasts for only a few minutes, but feels like hours as I lay there helplessly, unable to do anything at all. Spell after spell, each one blocking the other as the two are interlocked in an intense battle. 

I watch in horror as Malfoy fails to move fast enough and is hit. His wand flies out of his hand as he drops to the ground.

From where I lay on the forest floor, completely bound by rope, I can see the dark look fall across Augustus Rookwood's face like a curtain. "You know, killing you right away would be a little too kind Draco. I think for your treason to the dark side, it is only fair to make you suffer." The Death Eater says sinisterly.

If I had thought I felt fear tonight, I was wrong. Nothing came close to the idea of watching this boy be killed right in front of me. I swear I could feel every nerve inside my body become paralyzed. However much I resented Malfoy, I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let him get killed. 

THE VISION THIEF - D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now