9: Emperor of the Seas

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  Y/n L/n's Survival log: Entry 64

The caves around you grew warmer as you dove further. The inactive lava zone was hot enough, but this area...

Sweat poured from your body as you lifted the collar of your suit, pressing onward. It took a while of exploring, but you found yet another cavern. The amount of things in this one was almost too much for you.

There was another Sea Dragon Leviathan swimming around, and several other creatures dotted the hostile waters, not to mention the METRIC FUCKTON OF LAVA!

If you thought the inactive Lava zone was bad, this was the worst. Lava poured from the ceiling, and pooled in the floor, leaving only the occasional island of rock for you to jump onto.

In the distance, you found some small Precursor object, resembling a massive cube. You decided to make that your first destination.

As you started the long session of lava parkour, the warbling entered your mind, as the black silhouette took over your vision.

"I... am what you seek. Want to... help you..." all at once, it turned off once again, leaving you to take a break on a small island, as the leviathan roared in the distance. You took a deep breath, steeling your nerves for the next leap.

Sweat was almost pooling at the bottom of Sigma's cockpit while lava passed beneath you. The first cuboid object was much closer after a few jumps, giving you glimpses of something much... larger.

It looked like some kind of facility, surrounded by a dozen of these cuboid structures. Looking at it, you thought for a moment, before it clicked.

Whoever it is calling me... is in there. Sigma's grappling hook latched onto the device, as you boosted forwards, towards the building. In front of you, a Sea Dragon swam, trying to intercept you. You grit your teeth, aiming the hook on Sigma.

It shot out, latching onto the nose of the leviathan, who started trying to shake it off as you swung beneath it, sailing towards the facility. Your thrusters ran out of fuel as you barely made it, landing through the airlock/strainer layer. You stopped, sighing in relief.

That could've ended poorly, but it didn't. You brought Sigma up the ramp, through the facility, reaching what seemed to be a central room. Several rooms branched off, but those didn't interest you. The spot you needed to be in was in front of you.

You got out of Sigma, approaching another forcefield gate. You looked to the console, which flashed a blue symbol at you. You got out the matching tablet, from the Thermal plant. You took a moment to scan the tablet, before holding it out to the console.

As per the norm, it was sucked into the console, which snapped shut, turning off the gate. You looked on into the room, turning back to grab Sigma.

"According to translated data logs, an indigenous leviathan species was found to produce a unique substance referred to as 'Enzyme 42', which inhibited the symptoms of the kharaa bacterial infection in other indigenous organisms. The specimen was captured and contained in a purpose-built habitat for further study."

  "The alien researchers went to great lengths to provide for the lifeform's environmental needs, including the import of interdependent flora and fauna via an onsite warpgate, however its health quickly deteriorated."

  "When quarantine was imposed all warp gates and forcefields were sealed. All attempts to develop the enzyme into a vaccine had been unsuccessful." The PDA immediately spewed out information as you got into Sigma.

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