The Hat (Part 2!)

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..Right as he dismissed us there was a loud bang..

..A gun went off..

Everyone turned to the door. My king was standing there in a flag painted on his face...with my hat upon his head...

"Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that I found my hat so everything is alright!"
Everyone looked at me who was standing next to EU.
"Lad, I know that's you Charles, now please give me my hat back."
He looked at me with a wicked grin,
"But Your name is Charles~"
Shit..He's right, my human name is Charles. At this point, I'm having an identity crisis and everyone is confused about who the real Britain is. All of a sudden France stood up in the crowd.
"Raise your left hand, whoever is the real Britain will have a wedding ring"
We both raised our left hands, to everyone's surprise, he had the same wedding ring on his hand. Charles walked over and stood next to me as the power's discussed what to do. He looked at me with a smile that said, "I've already won." Once the power's decided what would happen everyone sat back in their seats. The powers needed everyone still here to make sure neither of us was cheating. We sat next to each other in chairs and the powers were sitting in a row in front of us. They planned on asking us a series of VERY specific questions that only the real Britain would know. To make it fair we both had to answer at the same time.

Question 1: What was the code you told EU today?
Charles: 450-correct
Britain: 450-correct

Question 2: What is the one thing Britain is allergic to?
Charles: Alcohol-correct
Britain: Alcohol-correct

Question 3: How many siblings does Britain have?
Britain: 95-correct

The room went silent. Charles was not moving. I decided to break the silence,
"There are 44 "Countries" In Europe. One of those countries is me, everyone knows i see myself as a group of kingdoms rather than a country. Add 4 more countries, my kingdoms, and that makes 48. There are 48 countries in Asia. 48+48=96. We were talking about my siblings so
Charles had a look of defeat on his face as I grabbed my hat from him.
UN sent him back to Britain and everyone was allowed to go back to their homes.

Once I had gotten home France and I were sitting on the couch together.
"Love, when Charles was next to me- could you tell us apart?"
She giggled, "Of course I could, You are my husband I'll recognize you anywhere. And if that isn't enough, you have a blind eye. They simply could have covered your working eye and asked you to try and read something."
I had honestly forgotten that they could do that. I was glad that she could recognize me though.

~~End of Flashback~~

-Charles Lee!-
-The United Kingdom-

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