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--Bold is Scotland--

Hello Jazz! It has been a while since I have heard from you, I hope you have been doing well!

"I dare you to play the bagpipes!"

Oh boy...

I rather prefer to play my instrument, the violin.



I uhm...I need you to help me play your instrument.

Yes! I had prayed that this day would come!

I prayed that it wouldn't.

~~After an hour of Scotland teaching Britain the bagpipes~~

;-; I hate this.

You are doing fine mate! At least your better than England!

England:* From upstairs* SHUT UP! AT LEAST I DON'T WEAR SKIRTS!

*chuckles* Will you two ever stop fighting over who is better?

No, I don't think so! AND IT'S A KILT! NOT A BLOODY SKIRT!

Well here *hands him the instrument* Go annoy England with your music

*Takes it* Gladfully!

*He then plays as loud as he can and walks upstairs into England's room*

Ohh this is going to be a long night...

-The United Kingdom-

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