Rasberry Lipton

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Oh dear, Hello TWQ.

Let's see what I have to do today, *Reads dare* 

My gods...I understand that we rule Tea Cult Together
**Ah yes, plugging a book in a book**
But I never expected I have to drink YOUR tea...fine...

*Grabs some Lipton tea from the fridge because America bought some to tick Britain off*

=_= I hate everything, *drinks it*

Blegh! I hate the tast of it! Why is it cold?! Tea is supposed to be warm! It's just disgusting!!

-Teh United Kingdom-
-Tea Man-
Hello! *shocked that you are still reading*
I had to plug my other book XD Go check out my tea cult! If you want to join just let me know and I'll add you to the member's list! We have quite a few!

I would also like to say that my mother keeps a box of Lipton tea in our cupboard and it makes me very sad...I told her about this and I think she decided to drink some in spite of me TWT

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