America and Confederate

126 9 24

*sigh* did they have to be kids again?

America: *walks into room* pa

Britain: yes ame?

America: Dixie (confederate) set the kitchen on fire again

Britain: *nearly drops tea* what?!

I ran into the kitchen to see Dixie siting on the wooden floor with a red match in his hands...

Dixie: oh heya pa!

Britain: are you insane?!

Dixie: uhm, yes?

Ugh, I took the match and threw it away, I picked up dixie and set him in his chair because we were about to have dinner.

Australia walked into the room holding his pet pig, I must say, I see myself as a formal person and I just wish France would tell Aussie to keep his animals in his room or outside.

I look back at Dixie who I left alone for 10 seconds and he is gone -_- great.

I walked into the dining room and I saw America and Dixie wrestling!?

Britain: boys! What the bloody hell do you think your doing?!

Dixie: I'm teaching ame that I'm stronger than her!!

Britain: well of course your stronger than her! Your older!

I pulled dixie off of Ame and once again set him and ame in their chairs and made sure to watch them this time.

I looked at the clock 6;30 pm

I look back and they are gone?!

*sigh* this is going to be a long night..

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