Reliving Past Memories (part 1)

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I have decided to make this into 2 chapters, the first will be about the childhood of America and his siblings, while the second will be how Britain proposed to France. Get ready for a bit of a long chapter!!!


Ack! *gets pushed into the machine*

~~He gets put into his previous selfs point of view and relives a past memory~~

~~The Year Of 1862~~

*The British family is outside on a summer day. America is wearing his khakis and a white button-up shirt, He is playing with his brother Canada who is wearing something very similar. Australia is sitting up in a tree reading a book. France and Britain are sitting in chairs on the back porch watching their boys while France is feeding New Zeland with a bottle. -he was a baby at the time-*

France, is he asleep yet?

France: I believe he almost is. Once he is I shall put him inside and to bed.

That's a good ide-

*all of a sudden America falls and scrapes his knee. Britain gets up at once and runs over to America*

Are you alright chap?

America: I-I hurt my knee...

*snaps his finger and medical tape appears*

-bandaids didn't exist ;-;-

*he rolls up Americans pants and wraps the medical tape around his knee, then he rolls the pants back down*

There we are! All better!

America: yay! Thank you, papa! *he hugs Britain*

*pats his back* alright now go play with your brother

*America goes back to playing while Britain goes back inside to begin on dinner*
-Once dinner has been finished-

*everyone is sitting at the table and eating dinner*

So America, anything new going on in your country?

America: yes papa! I gained a new colony!

That's my boy! Congrats!

America: Thank you! But..Does this mean I have to fight you again?

*sigh* I don't control that lad, That's up to my King. I'll tell you what, I'll have a word with him and see if he can let this one slide ok?

America: I like that idea! But...Do you know what I also like? *he says as he gets out of his chair as he walks over to Britain*

And what is that?

America: Taking your hat!! *he grabs his hat and runs upstairs*

Hey! *he stands up and goes upstairs*

-In America's room-

America: *giggling from underneath the bed*

America~ where are you~

hmm.. *he steps forward but slips on a toy car and lands on his back*

*his head is on the floor so he turns his head to look underneath the bed*

That bloody hur- I found ya! *he pulls him out and sits him on his lap while laying on the floor*

You know what?

America: what papa?

I think this hat looks much better on you! *he takes the hat from America's hands and places it on his head*

America: *laughing* *he pushes the tip of the hat up a bit because it was covering his eyes*

America: your hat is much too large for me!

Nonsense! You are just to small for the hat!

America: *falls forward and hugs Britain on the floor*

America: I love you, papa

*sighs and hugs him back*

I love you as well kiddo. Don't you ever forget it

-The United Kingdom-

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