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_Canada will be in the bold font_

Good evening lads and lasses! I am most terribly sorry that I have not spoken to you all day, for it was because I had to brings the corgis to the vets for their annual check-up, then I had to go to Germany's house and help him in building a small pond in his backyard as a surprise for his anniversary with his husband, Poland.

Anyways! Enough about my day, sorry for my rambling. "Hey dad, I dare you to play a game of hockey with me and I want to see how you do"

I..uhm...I have never been on ice skates and I do believe hockey is played on ice. Well, I suppose you learn something new every day! 

*walks into the living room* Hey dad! Are you ready?

oh! hello, yes, let me just get my shoes and coat on!

*snickers* shoes eh? You won't be needing them.

Oh? And why is that?

For hockey there is a special kind of shoes that you wear, grab your coat and I will show ya!

Well alright then.

-once they had arrived at the ice rink in the colder regions of the map-

---Just so I make this clear. I imagine the countries living on an island all to themselves, but, they have 4 different sections on the island. one for every type of weather climate.---

Right! so here are the shoes you going to use! *hands him the skates*

uhm, it looks like someone attached a sword to the bottom of a pair of winter boots that you wear in Greenland.

-_- just put them on eh?

*rolls eyes* fine.

-once they have put them on and gotten onto the ice-

*sigh* why are you wearing suit still?

Son, have you met me? I wear a suit everywhere I go, and it does not matter what the weather is like!

Yea that's fair,

* Canada then took his father's hand and sped off into the center of the lake. Britain, on the other hand, had fallen and was being dragged while sitting on the ice by Canada *

Lad, would you slow down!?

*stops and looks behind him and sees Britain on the ground of the ice*


*he helps lift him up and catches him before he falls*

*sigh* mabey I should just go hom-

no! I dared you to play a game of hockey against me and you will!

Son, I have never even ice skated before! How do you expect me to play YOU in hockey!? The sport is utterly what you are known for!

-_- I never said you had to be good at it. Besides! I will go easy on you!

I- *sigh* fine, but you are going to have to teach me how to get around on these bloody things you call skates.

-After around 10 minutes, Canada thought Britain how to skate around the pond that was covered in a glistening coat of frozen water, otherwise known as ice.-

Righty then! *hands Britain a stick and grabs on for himself*

You have seen me play before so you know how to play right?

I should know the basics I believe...


*Canada drops the puck onto the ice and swerves around Britain and heads for his goal. Britain turns around and slowly but surely he makes his way over and somehow get the puck away from him. Now, this is Britain, the classiest man alive, and lives every day like it is 1875. So this man somehow got the puck from Canada. While wearing a suit. Wearing white lace gloves. And has one hand BEHIND HIS BACK!*

*shocked* h-how...

*pushes it into the net at the otherwise of the rink*

I have no bloody idea..

-The United Kingdom-

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