Home sweet home

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Hello everyone!
I do believe that today is Easter for some folks so I wish you a Happy Easter!

Oh! I don't believe I have seen you before! Welcome to the book of people who ask me questions or dares and will sometimes threaten to dump my tea in the harbor!

Anyways! I'm assuming you already know who I am so let us get onto your ask.

"Why do you live with America?"

Actually it's the other way around, he lives with me. My mansion is rather large, it is one of the largest homes on the island. Depending on the countries size will determine how large their house is. In my case I have 4 countries that make up a large amount of space so I almost share the house with them. America has quite a few children so we decided that he would stay in my house and I could then help him with the kids.

Also, it's not just America and France that live here.

I'll make a list,
-America's kids
-Dixie Confederate America
-North Ireland
-New Zealand
-Mossy and Westie ( Texas x Moscow's kids)
-London (England's daughter)
-Doki (Dixie X Tokyo's Daughter)

Yes, I believe that is everyone!
New York and London recently moved out because they had their baby girl Danny, short for Daniel.

I hope this answered your question!

-The United Kingdom-

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