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Hmm, we don't fight often, but when we do it's most likely over something stupid. Ah, I'll tell you of the last one we had...

~~~Flashback to a few weeks ago at their old house~~~
Characters will be talking like this...
Character: "dialogue"

All of Europe and Asia's kids were back at their old mansion where they grew up to hang out for the day. All 96 of them were back in the same house once again.

Japan had walked over to Britain,

Japan: Britty!! It's so good to see you again!

Britain: ah, hello Jam!

Japan: some of us are going to the old hideout, do you want to come?

Britain: *eyes widen* it still exists?!

Japan: *smiling* yea!

Britain: well let's go!

The group of around 5 of them walked through their backyard, into the woods, and into a rather large cave.

Japan went and lit all of the candles that surrounded the room. But she burnt her hand.

South Korea: *rolls eyes* idiot

Britain: *glaring at SK* You're more of an idoiot than her!

South Korea: No I'm not!

Britain: Yes you are! You literally let Aussie's spider outside!

South Korea: That was North!!

Britain: Lies! I saw you do it!

Japan: -_- South stop lying we know you did it

South Korea: whatever..say, You wanna make a bet?

Britain: Yes I do.

South Korea: I'll fight you and If I win then you have to prank Spain like we used to.

Britain: deal! and If I win then you have to prank her!

-They shook hands and the group walked to backyard onto a hill-

South Korea: Shall we use guns and do a duel or  are we going to do this old fashioned?

Briatin: I suppose we could do this old fashioned...

--They went inside and the family surrounded the table--

Japan: Are you sure you guys want to do this...

South Korea: yes.... I'm sure..

They sat at the table

They set their elbows on the table

they grabbed hands

Japan: GO!!

They began to arm wrestle. 

-The United Kingdom-

----Britain won in the end----

Ask/dare BritainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang