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This chapter will still be in Britain's perspective, BUT, this will be written in the perspective of the Britain that is married to Soviet. So a different AU. Enjoy!

Oh Hello kiddo! 

"Dad, can you tell everyone how I was created?"

It's a bit complicated, Soviain wasn't created how a normal country would be. Since, obviously, I'm gay, my husband Soviet and I wanted a kid we used our magic to create one!

It's kinda hard, you have to interlock both hands, both people have to imagine the same person in their minds. Then you use your magic to summon them. Once you do that let go of your hands and yea! That's how you summon a child from magic!

So anyway, that's how Soviain was created!
By the way, Soviain, Your dad told me to tell you that he found your secret stash of vodka in your closet. Nice try. And would you please stop trying to make a tea flavored vodka? I know you love both but they were not meant to be mixed. See you later kiddo!

-The United Kingdom-

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