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Hello Sparkle!
Hello Wonder!
It's great to hear from you!

"I dare Britain to steal North Korea's nukes."


I think you want America to kill me.
America and North Korea are what they call, "Nuke Buddies." They get VERY mad when anyone interferes with their threats.

*Sigh* Korea is going to kill me for this...

~~After stealing the nukes~~

Now, where the hell do I put thes-
*America walks up behind him with North Korea*

America: Father. NK Is missing some nukes. Have you happened to have seen them?

Britain: No these ones *pointing the G I A N T nuke behind him* mine.

NK: Then why does it have my flag on it...


-NK and America then proceeded to take all of his tea and burn it-

-Charles Dickenson-
-The United Kingdom-

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