War Uniform-Ameircan Revolution

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Hello Jazz! It a pleasure to hear from you again!

lets see what I have to do today, 

"I dare you to put on the war uniform you had during the American Revolution"

T-the Revoultion..?

u-uhm.. g-give me a moment.

* he walks into his room and pulls out an old dusty chest from closet. He dusts off the chest and unlocks it. Inside the chest is an old Red-Coat uniform. He takes out the uniform and lays it onto the bed"

* sigh * I hoped I would never have to see this uniform again..

* he takes off his normal suit and sets his Top-Hat on a rack in his room. He dresses in the uniform and puts the uniform's hat upon his head, along with the sword in his belt. in his room there is a tall mirror on the backside of the door. He walks over to the door and closes it, only to be revealed the image that was what he looked like during the 17th century *

*as he looked at himself, sounds of gunshots filled his head.*

~~Flashback to the 1700's~~

I believe I am standing on a battle field. I'm not sure which battle this is..after a while they all blend together in my memory.

I can see RedCoats shooting from behind their barricades at the OG13.

Gunshots are flying in every direction. Canons being fired with a loud booming noise. What's that? I feel a pain in my side as I look down. I've been shot through the stomach repeatedly, as well as been stabbed through the hand. Huh, I never noticed before. I suppose you get used to it after a while. My blood seems to be running thin but I'm sure I will be fine.

~~End of flashback~~

I had forgotten I was wearing my uniform as I walked downstairs. My family was all in the living room watching the telly or a few of them were playing a card game. France gave me a strange look. Oh, I am still in my uniform.

*A loud firework came from outside*

I jump from the sound of the firework and hop over a table. I grabbed the bayonet from behind my back and cock the gun. I look to my left and I am no longer in my house, I am back on the field. I can see the other men from my group aiming at the canons and firing. There is a loud boom inform of the barricade that I am in. I assume its an enemy cannon being fired. I aim my gun and fire rapidly before going down to reload. I'm out of ammunition. I'll have to use my sword. I grab my sword from it's place in my belt before moving out from behind the barricade. All of a sudden I'm being tackled by someone. I try to get out of their grasp but they are very strong. I stop struggling to look at them, they don't look like an enemy soldier. The flag on their face looks like France..wait..France?

I blink my eyes a few times. I'm in my house. France releases me as I sit up I look around the living room that I have just destroyed. It seems that what I did triggered something in America because he was holding a pistol and was aiming it at my head from across the room.

I am not an emotional man, but right then and their I started crying...

I-I don't think I can continue with this chapter...I...I'm going to get some tea...

-The United Kingdom-

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