Chapter 30 Oracle

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Gouenji POV

Onigawara: "I'm afraid that goes to you too miss."

I quickly turned to see Onigawara-san facing the girl with goggles. She said nothing but got up.

"Please wait!"

I ran to them.

Onigawara: "Gouenji-kun? Is something wrong?"

"Please Onigawara-san. This person is...."

I stood in front of the girl.

3rd POV

Onigawara was surprised. He watched as Gouenji stood in front of the girl with a protective stance.

Onigawara: "Gouenji-kun..."

Everyone else was surprised too then, Endou had woken up he saw what happened to.

Endou: "...Gouenji?"

Endou was about to go up to Gouenji but then Kidou stopped him and shook his head.

Everyone was quiet until Gouenji turned around to the girl.

Gouenji: "...You. It's you isn't it."

???: "....What do you mean?"

Gouenji: "...That ribbon. There's only one ribbon like that in the world."

Gouenji looked down but then looked back straight at the girl with hopeful eyes.

Gouenji: "I want to say it's you.... right?...... You're Shōko, but at the same time not."

Everyone gasped.

Endou: "S-Shōko-san?"

???: "...."

The girl took off her goggles to reveal her purple colored eyes but she definitely looked like Shōko.

???: *sigh* "...As expected of you. The two of you are really childhood friends."

The girl with purple eyes look up at Gouenji with a bitter smile.

???: "You're right. I'm not Shōko but at the same time I am."

Rika: "Ha? Am I missing something? Is she this Shōko girl or not?"

???: "...This body is Shōko's but... you all probably know me by another name."

Kidou: "This body's Shōko?"

Oracle: "You all probably know me by the name of Oracle."

Everyone: !

Endou: "Oracle..."

Ichinose: "'re Oracle?"

Oracle: "Yes I am. Now.... I don't have much time to explain but... to put it simply... you could say I'm a part of Shōko. Like Fubuki-san, kind of a split personality."

Domon: "A split personality?"

Oracle: "Yes... I was created by the negative emotions Shōko had deep inside her. Along with the Aliea meteorite."

Oracle took out a necklace that held the a piece of the Aliea meteorite.

Oracle: "As for these goggles... I wear them to make sure Shōko doesn't come out. Since I was created by her, Kenzaki wanted me to help him with his ambitions. Since Shōko most definitely wouldn't."

Kidou: "So you were forcing her?"

Oracle: "Yes...but don't worry it's not like I've hurt her. She's just been sleeping for a long time deep inside me."

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