Bruh I know no one LOL

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I got tagged lol by Hiyama-Asumi

Thanks for the tag but I don't know much people on Wattpad so I'm tagging some of my followers and people I follow XD
(None of my real friends know I write on Wattpad :T shhhhh)

Thanks for the tag but I don't know much people on Wattpad so I'm tagging some of my followers and people I follow XD(None of my real friends know I write on Wattpad :T shhhhh)

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God the quality, at least I'm listening to anime music while doing this.

2. You must say thirteen things about yourself and you cannot refuse.


1. I have a big family, like BIG I can't count how many cousins, aunts, and uncles I have. Last time I tried counting cousins I got like 24? But then again I also have cousins I've never met. ~-~

2. See my blood type is AB not sure if it's positive or negative but, I searched up about personalities from blood type. And well... *cough* the personality reading is true, sometimes I can be shy and sometimes I can be very friendly.

3. *sigh* You know I'm short, it's all cause I'm Asian *CRINGE*

4. I hate vegetables. I've avoided almost all of them my whole life. I will never eat them. I am a picky eater, I didn't eat them so much as a kid that my mom even won't make an option to put them on my plate. The only vegetables I do eat, are corn and carrots.

5. In preschool, I was a very shy girl and I remember I used to play only on the slide over and over during recess. ;-;

6. Kindergarten changed my life. I mentally slapped myself back then and forced myself to talk to someone. That was my first friend :D we're still friends to today.

7. It's funny but I learn how to speak and sing Japanese from anime and anime songs. Maybe I have good listening skills. Still can't read it though. :T

8. I will tell you I'm a sweet tooth. I love sweets, I eat them more than anything else.

9. I can't handle anything spicy. Haha... when I tried a hot cheeto I had to drink two bottles of water later. Also my stomach hurt after I drank and my cousins told me not to lay down or I'll get a terrible tummy ache later. I did as they said, and I survived :D

10. I also know how to speak Spanish but I'm better at reading it. I also know a little bit of Korean, can't read it though XD

11. The first Idol anime I watched was not Love Live. It was Aikatsu uwu, Yurika's Glass Doll. That's why Aikatsu has a special place in my heart.

12. I decided to start writing on Wattpad because I couldn't keep all the fan-fics in my head LOL.

13. My oldest brother is older than me by 4 years and my other brother by 2 years.

3. If you don't do this in a week, the person who tagged you has to think of a punishment.

Which HA! I probably won't give you guys a punishment because as my friends always say, I'm too nice ;-; <3 Anyway this is just for fun so you don't have to do it.

4. It has to be a chapter, not a comment.

Yeah... I don't think all of this would fit in a comment anyway... DX

5. Nominate fifteen people

When you're a loner on Wattpad :T XD


Stxr_Penguin (Thanks for just following today :P)



Fumiko-chuan (Cause why not)





Okay. I DON'T HAVE FRIENDS ON HERE ;-; and I feel bad tagging other people that follow me or that I read books from. So I'ma just put those 8 people ;-; pls forgive me Hiyama-Asumi 

6. The chapter has to have a creative name.

I was thinking of changing it to I'm a loner but I don't want people to question when they look at this chapter XD

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